Tuesday, 9 March 2010

They’ve All Got It In For Me!

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has finally taken leave of her senses, in this amazing rant in the ‘Indy’:
…this week even I, even I, can see that for the British establishment Muslims are contemptible creatures, devalued humans.
As I prayed before starting this column I felt tears stinging my eyes and my face was burning as if I had been slapped many times over. Do they expect me to turn the other cheek?
Once again at weddings and birthday parties, in quiet, tranquil mosques, at dinner tables across the land, including those of millionaire Muslims, I am hearing murmurs of trepidation and disquiet – voices kept low, sometimes vanishing into whispers, just in case; you never know if they will break down the door.
Oh, FFS!

This is just hysterics…
These people are, like myself, well incorporated into the nation's busy life. Some own restaurants and businesses, others work in the City or law firms and chambers.
Really? They sound more like a bunch of fully paid up members of Paranoids Anonymous o me…
At one gathering a frightfully posh, Muslim public school boy (aged 14), an excellent cricketer, said in his jagged, breaking voice: "I will never live in this country after finishing my education. They hate us. They'll put us all in prison. Nothing we do is OK. Do you think I am wrong Mrs Yasmin?" No I don't, though his hot young blood makes him intemperate.
I wonder if he did that for a dare? If so, I hope he’s now counting his winnings, and telling his schoolmates ‘See? Told you I could get the daft old bat to print anything…’

So, who is leading this invisible pogrom?
Where do I start? Well, with the PM who takes himself to the moral high ground at every opportunity, to orate and berate as he did when called in by the placid Chilcot panel. The son of a preacher man, John Ebenezer Brown, Gordon has the manse gene. Unlike the shape-shifter Blair, he is authentically himself, driven by embedded values, and I admire that.
So, what has the PM done?

I mean, happy as I am to ascribe all manner of evil things to Brown, I must have missed his public proclamation that Muslims are now public enemy number one…
But, like his predecessor, he is shockingly indifferent to the agony of the people most affected by the Iraq war, a war Brown still says was "the right" thing to do for the "right reasons".
Umm, that’s not really the purpose of the Chilcott Enquiry, Yasmin…
Not a word about the countless Iraqis killed when we bombed indiscriminately in civilian areas, no word of sorrow, however hollow or feigned, about the dead children or those now born in that blighted land with two heads and other grotesque abnormalities.
As I just said, that’s not the purpose of the Chilcott Enquiry

Anything else?
Meanwhile at Isleworth Crown Court, Judge John Denniss is industriously sentencing demonstrators who gathered near the Israeli embassy to rail against that state's attack on Gaza, one of the worst acts of state terrorism in recent history.
He’s not sentencing them for merely demonstrating, though, is he?
Denniss intends his punishments to be a deterrent. To deter us from what? Having the temerity to believe we live in a democracy and are free to march?
No, you dozy mare! From public disorder and violence.

Is that so hard to work out? Good grief, the only people who could legitimately claim to be 'prevented from peacefully demonstrating' are these people.

Anything else?
And then the crypto-fascist, Aryan Geert Wilders, is invited into the Lords by UKIP and crossbench peers to show his vile anti-Islam film in the name of freedom of expression.
Indeed. Don’t like it? Don’t go see it.
I am here accusing the most powerful in government, parliament and the judiciary
Ah. I guess you aren’t that worried about the knock on the door, then?
During the dark days of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the Irish in Britain were often treated unjustly by parliament, police, judges like Lord Denning, and vast sections of the media. Under Thatcher, miners and trades unionists were mercilessly "tamed", too. But this time, with Muslims, the establishment has surpassed its previous disgraceful record.

We brought in ‘Diplock Courts’ – trials with no jury – to combat the threat of IRA terrorism. Yet so far, we’ve not done that for Muslim extremists (although bank robbers are another kettle of fish).
They steal our human and civil rights and don't even try to behave with a modicum of honour during and after war. The same people call upon us to be more "British" but treat us as lesser citizens.
Hmmm, I feel a little queasy at being told by this oh-so-precious and pampered member of the MSM that our culture has no honour during war.

I’m thinking the Iraqi Republican Guard didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory during the first Iraq war. Or the second.

Is the Yazzmonster finally losing her marbles? Or is she just onto a good thing, knowing that the ‘Indy’ will seemingly pay her for any old rubbish, so long as it fills a column?

Update: Laban Tall is of the same mind.


  1. I actually do understand how Yasmin Alibhai-Brown feels. We are all dreadfully upset by the deaths of our fallen soldiers, bur numerically, Muslims are mourning hundreds of thousands, including women and children.

    Tony Blair has never ever made any acknowledgement of grief for the deaths of these people, nor in front of the Chilcott Inquiry did he say how sorry he was for our fallen troops.

    Many Muslims do feel persecuted and hated, because of the backlash from Muslim terrorists. Yasmin is rather over the top in her remarks, but how would we feel if hundreds of thousands of British people had been killed? Probably the same as Yasmin.

  2. I see.

    The group of people before whom the Government grovels, and who have been showered with benefits and privileges denied to the majority of the populace, are now whining that they are discriminated against?

  3. woman on a raft9 March 2010 at 12:14

    I wonder if he did that for a dare?

    I wonder if he exists outside of Yazzer's imagination.

  4. Interesting use of words:

    "And then the crypto-fascist, Aryan Geert Wilders, is invited into the Lords by UKIP ..."

    By describing Wilders as 'Aryan', is she not guilty of racism? His pale skin and blond hair are irrelevant to the argument. Or is he guilty of being 'unacceptably white'?

  5. I seems to me cyberboris, that the majority of deaths in Iraq are caused by Muslims setting off bombs against their fellow Muslims. I think the word is "indiscriminate". Yet I make no demand that establishment Muslims like Yasmin Alibhai Brown, apologise for those deaths.

    I personally think the war has been foolhardy and badly conducted, particularly by the British army, but I do not apologise for removing a wicked dictator who murdered "hundreds of thousands" of his own citizens. Nor do I apologise for sending soldiers to fight clerical fascism.

    You know, we are constantly told that all Muslims are not the same. The fact that some set off bombs to murder their fellow citizens is apparently no indication to the views of the majority. Yet the views of the bombers was that they owed their first loyalty to the ummah and that kafirs are united "against us". When Yasmin goes off on one of these rants, it rather sounds more like the bombers than the "British first" Muslim majority or else it undermines that thesis.

    She knows full well that forces in Iraq do not bomb.. indiscriminately in civilian areas. She claims that Dozens are being sent down for insignificant acts of BRAVADO (my emphasis). "Bravado?" Is she serious? is she a complete moron or just mendacious?

  6. Two points:

    It's "Infamy, imfamy, they've all got it in for me"

    Robin Shepherd is less generous than you.

  7. Tee hee, yet more gloriousness.

    Did she mention all the Muslims queueing up to leave the UK ... at Sangatte?*

    * or whatever it's called this week.

  8. The 'frightfully posh, Muslim public school boy (aged 14)' Yazza emotes over sounds dangerously close to another Omar Sayeed Sheikh in the making. The multiculti experiment really is coming on nicely, isn't it ?

    'By describing Wilders as 'Aryan', is she not guilty of racism? His pale skin and blond hair are irrelevant to the argument. Or is he guilty of being 'unacceptably white'?'

    In Yazza's book there are few crimes more heinous than this one.

  9. An odd choice of star witness - as most parents and teachers are aware, 'Everybody hates me!' is the natural default setting of the 14-year-old.

    And of Yasmin herself, of course. Here she is on the subject of her husband:
    'he was the enemy, a white, middle class Englishman. I was guilty of ideological treachery. My fiery anti-racist comrades were unforgiving'.


  10. "We are all dreadfully upset by the deaths of our fallen soldiers, bur numerically, Muslims are mourning hundreds of thousands, including women and children."
    Many of whom were killed by Muslims.

    "Many Muslims do feel persecuted and hated, because of the backlash from Muslim terrorists. "
    What backlash? If you want to know what persecution is read about the Copts in Egypt.

  11. "And of Yasmin herself, of course. Here she is on the subject of her husband:
    'he was the enemy, a white, middle class Englishman. I was guilty of ideological treachery. My fiery anti-racist comrades were unforgiving'."

    Mmmm. Did they have any children? If so, the guy deserves a medal for getting it up in the face of that kind of 'love'.

  12. Apparently he did. But then:

    "Children make you victims of the fathers."

    Feminists - don'cha love 'em?

  13. (Not the only commenter to have been struck by this)

    "...crypto-fascist, Aryan Geert Wilders...."

    And in Yazza's keen anti-racist eyes, there are certain conditions so vile that they happily sit alongside 'crypto-fascist'.

    BTW I'm under the impression that most of the atrocities in Iraq were/are carried out by Muslims. For example, I've read the words of an Iraqi kidnapper speaking of his business. He explained how some friends or relatives paid the ransome, some didn't. He then killed the hostages anyway because they were Shia/Sunni 'scum' (I forget which it was). He boasted how he was in the best business in Baghdad.

    Yasmin must be thinking of another Iraq, though she's right to say the Western public's attitude to Islam has become more negative recently. I wonder if she can suggest why. And whether she's actually making it worse.

  14. The best bit was the complaint that the west was stealing their 'human and civil rights'.... that Islam doesn't recognise in the first place.

  15. "Many Muslims do feel persecuted and hated, because of the backlash from Muslim terrorists."

    Perrhaps it's time 'Muslims' (and hindus and christians and insert religion here) started thinking of themselves as individuals. Human beings shouldn't subscribe to a hive mind, outside of sci-fi.

    Just a thought.

    "The group of people before whom the Government grovels, and who have been showered with benefits and privileges denied to the majority of the populace..."

    Indeed. Pretty sickening, when you think about it.

    "I wonder if he exists outside of Yazzer's imagination."

    Ah. Yes, there's always that...

    "...is he guilty of being 'unacceptably white'?"

    I suspect so.

  16. "You know, we are constantly told that all Muslims are not the same."

    I've no doubt that's true. However, all the ones in the media spotlight share a certain similarity, don't they?

    "Robin Shepherd is less generous than you."

    Heh! Good post.

    "An odd choice of star witness - as most parents and teachers are aware, 'Everybody hates me!' is the natural default setting of the 14-year-old."

    Hurrah! Yaz has found the Muslim
    Adrian Mole!

    "Feminists - don'cha love 'em?"

    In the words of the great showman and entertainer Paul Daniels, not a lot.

    "...she's right to say the Western public's attitude to Islam has become more negative recently. I wonder if she can suggest why. And whether she's actually making it worse."

    I think the media needs to take a good hard look at the people currently in the spotlight claiming to speak for 'their people'...

    "The best bit was the complaint that the west was stealing their 'human and civil rights'.... that Islam doesn't recognise in the first place."

    Indeed. Always good to have a spot of irony in there to cleanse the palate...

  17. Did you see the link in the DM to the image of dear Yasmin when she was a kid?

    Look at that face then understand why she has grown up like she has!
