Monday 29 March 2010

Youth Justice System In (In)Action

A teenager has admitted committing a violent robbery in Kingston last week, just three days after saying sorry for a gang robbery in New Malden.
Oh, bad timing!
The 15-year-old from Croydon, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty at Kingston Youth Court on March 24 to stealing a mobile phone and cash from a 13-year-old victim in Steadfast Road on Saturday, March 20.

Just five hours later he struck again, just 200 yards away, on Kingston Bridge, this time kicking a 15-year-old in the head and yelling “What have you got for me?”

The two incidents happened less than a week after the 15-year-old pleaded guilty to his part in a robbery outside New Malden station, where he and a gang of up to 15 youths stole a mobile phone and wallet from a 19-year-old man.
Oh, wow! The justice system is really keeping everyone safe in the borough of Kingston and surrounding areas, isn't it?

What sort of unnamed, unknown 'youth' are we talking about here?
It was claimed the incidents were linked because on each occasion the defendant wore a red bandana, suggesting the attacks may have been part of the boy’s initiation into a street gang.
Aha! Just a few steps down the crime ladder from these types of 'youths', then...

Naturally, he's been well briefed in how to curry favour with the court:
The 15-year-old said: “I feel really guilty for the boy and his parents because I tried to rob them.”
Mmmm, convincing, eh?
Kingston magistrate Rabbi Danni Rich said: “You said the same thing last time, didn’t you?”
Hurrah! At last, a magistrate with some sen...

“If you carry on like this, you will go to prison.”
If he carries on...?

Rabbi, he's already carried on! And he shows no signs of stopping, either! Oy, vey...
The teenager will be sentenced at Croydon Youth Court on April 14, before which he is banned from going to anywhere within the borough of Kingston.
So, people in Kingston are safe. Assuming he, you know, obeys the law. What are the odds?

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