Saturday 24 April 2010

And We Thought Chavs Were Deluded....

Now, I normally avoid the likes of AROOO as I'd avoid, say, an open cesspit, or a hornet's nest.

But I loaded it up to get the link for a reply in my comment section, and couldn't avoid a peek at their latest scribbling, which contained this charming contribution:

And all I could think was 'Wouldn't 'Smoking the White Patriarchy's Jizz-Opium' make a hell of a name for a band..?'


  1. Interesting website. I'm looking forward to perusing it contents, but only after I've enjoyed what promises to be the most glorious day of sunshine.

  2. Wow. She had a perfectly sensible point to make, she doesn't like queue jumpers. Lets face it, who does?

    But instead of simply saying that she goes off on an utterly barking rant about ... well, God only knows to be honest. Impressive bit of projection going on there too.

  3. That's tame by AROOO standards.

    Us Kitty Kounters once crossed swords (symbols of patriachal oppression, obviously). They are mental. Absolutely barking.

    All penetrative sex is rape and all that.

    WV is "probe" which is apt in a way.

  4. There is an element of envy in the demonisation of so-called bourgeois women, who appear to be happily married/partnered.

    Did read some of the other posts. They all seem to be a bit bitter. The views of the late Andrea Dworkin - a byword for the dungaree and unshaven armpits school of feminism - seem quite moderate in comparison.

  5. "...but only after I've enjoyed what promises to be the most glorious day of sunshine."

    Yes, life's too short to spend wading through the sewer when the weekend promises to be this good.

    "Quite bizarre."

    Oh, it gets better the more you dig...

    "She had a perfectly sensible point to make, she doesn't like queue jumpers. Lets face it, who does?

    But instead of simply saying that she goes off on an utterly barking rant about ... well, God only knows to be honest. "

    It's a mutual grievance celebration circle over there.

    If their internet service ever drops out, it won't be a fault on the BT line - it'll be The Man, plotting to keep them barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen...

  6. "That's tame by AROOO standards.

    Us Kitty Kounters once crossed swords (symbols of patriachal oppression, obviously)."

    Oh, indeed. That's how I came by them, via your site. :)

    "Did read some of the other posts. They all seem to be a bit bitter. "

    There's also a total disconnect between their words and the cutely little avatarts they choose for themselves...

  7. Ooops! Freudian keyboard slip there!

    I mean 'avatars'...
