Thursday 22 April 2010

So, Should He Not Have Taken Responsibility For Himself..?

Ivan Reshetilov died last August, at the age of 23, after wandering off from friends after a night out in Colchester.

He was found dead in the River Colne the next morning.

After his death, Ivan’s mother, Irena, and stepfather, Peter Redman, angrily criticised the English “booze culture”, claiming pubs, bars and clubs should take more responsibility for their customers.
He was 23.

If he'd choked on a 12oz steak, would they be arguing that the restaurant should have cut it up into tiny pieces for him?
Escape Nightclub, in London Road, Copford, is offering entry and 12 drinks for £14.95, while Liquid and Envy, in Colchester High Street, is offering a similar offer for £13.50.

The offers are still legal as they specify a number of drinks included in the offer.

Mr Redman, from Rowhedge, hit out at the use of the law.

He said: “I think it is disgusting the Government appears to be conspiring with licensees to get round the laws.”
Now, I'm happy to criticise the government for all sorts of things, but saying 'This is what you must do in order to comply with the law' and the clubs saying 'OK, we will' doth not a conspiracy make...
“You have only got to drive through Colchester High Street on a Friday or Saturday night to see for yourself the way people are.

Stopping these sorts of promotions and cutting back on cheap alcohol, so people pay more, is something I suppose the Government had in mind when it introduced the proposals.

“Given the average price of a pint or a spirit is approaching the £3 mark, that is one hell of a cut in price.”
But no-one forces anyone to drink it. Or does free will and self control not factor into anything these days?


  1. Liquid and Envy, in Colchester High Street, is offering a similar offer for £13.50.


    That is 17 LITERS of beer here. Not to mention that you could get more when you take the bottle back.

    Has any one ever thought it may be the Brits, and not the drinks, that are causing problems?

  2. Oh SHIT Why does this ALWAYS happen when I critisize Google?

    Follow ups please.

  3. No, we are not responsible for our actions anymore. Its always someone elses fault.

    You leave the house, force 10 pints of piss weak lager down your neck and fall in a river.

    Still, you are not to blame, its everyone else.

  4. Colchester is packed with students and squaddies. I'm sure they appreciate a cheap night out. Glad they can have one.

    Oh, and the licensed trade and the government conspiring. Yeah, right! You seen the number of pub closures since the smoking ban?

    We have a profoundly puritanical government under the son of the manse. We have a government that buys up ad slots on TV to tell women that if they have half a bottle of wine they will die!

    On the subject of booze Britain I have a post up at CCinZ (click my name) about the Great London Beer Flood of 1814.

    Sorry Julia - shameless self promotion.

  5. Wanker.

    Five litres here for less, only £14.66.

    And on your own head be it. I prefer Brasso myself.

  6. We were doing deals like this back in the 70s &'80's in our clubs......Shit..
    Me thinks I've just given me age away.

  7. It's all a bit silly isn't it. I've never been in a country which puts a price on alcohol poisoning.

  8. Reminds me of a Billy Conoly scetch;

    Aye! Two cans of beer, an "OCH AYE!!!! WHEY'RE GONNA GET PISSED TONEEEGHT!!!!"

    Trouble is, it was PINK. Half a bottle later; "OCH NOOOO Ayme gonna shit me trooosers! Get me to the laavy..... QUICK!"

  9. At which point "Captain Queeg" Brown threw up, all over the Belgian ambassador.

  10. Simply because a parent who has lost a child in this way can never accept that it was their child’s own stupidity and lack of self preservation that led to a sad death. My father in my recent troubles, as usual gave me this advice, equally unhelpful, that I allowed a twisted, fucked up, woman into my bed who then went on to abuse the system and falsely accuse me of rape. A hard man, my father, and wrong, because I had no idea how particularly troubled she was until it was to late. A pity the system is too afraid to state the obvious for fear of appearing uncaring.
    So yes Julia, he should have taken responsibility, as perhaps should I, but then no-one, again no-one will while the authorities pussy foot around and parents continue to treat their chiiiiiiiiiiildren as holier then thow.

  11. "Has any one ever thought it may be the Brits, and not the drinks, that are causing problems?"

    Heaven forbid! No, it must be the drink. They sdon't call it the Demon Drink for nothing, right?

    I mean, look at this fine, upstanding young man, brought low solely by the scourge of alcohol...


    "On the subject of booze Britain I have a post up at CCinZ (click my name) about the Great London Beer Flood of 1814."

    Priceless! I remember seeing a bit on it on the web somewhere, 'Cracked' I think. Must try & dig it out...

    "Simply because a parent who has lost a child in this way can never accept that it was their child’s own stupidity and lack of self preservation that led to a sad death."

    Indeed. And the NuPuritans are only too happy to feast on that grief and use it for their own ends...
