Saturday, 3 April 2010

They Were For It, Before They Were Against It...

Tory councillors in Castle Point are supporting national Conservative plans to scrap housing targets, just six months after voting to allow 5,000 homes to be built in the borough.
It seems iDave's NuTories are less 'The lady's not for turning...' and all 'U-turn, U-turn, U-turn!'.
Opposition councillors accused the Tories of electioneering, but Tories said they had made the decision they thought would best protect the green belt.
Mmm. Right after you'd made the opposite decision.

Not terribly convincing, folks.


  1. Liars, thieves and scoundrels. Perhaps even a few cunts ;)

  2. I thought Conservatives might have had the teensiest desire to actually conserve something, but too many of them seem happy to go with the New Labour multi-culti flow.

    I hope Bob Spink keeps his seat here.

    There's a similar situation nest door in Thurrock.

    Oh, and Mike, I hate to be a pedant but you seem to have made what appear to be some typographical errors in your brief post: surely 'Perhaps even' and 'a few' should read 'definitely' and 'up to our necks in useless' respectively? It doesn't make sense to me otherwise!

  3. Ah ... The Hallowed Greenbelt.

    To build an additional one million homes (preferably for our own people, not 'economically inactive' immigrants, of course) would use up a massive 0.2% of agricultural land.

    To put it bluntly, building a million homes where they ought to be built, i.e. around existing conurbations, not in the middle of the countryside would involve the average town or city expanding by about two hundred yards in every direction. Hardly the apocalypse, methinks.

  4. I hope Bob Spink keeps his seat here.

    Personally I can't stand the guy - just another weasel and in his case one who jumped ship because he was finally losing the civil war that had been raging inside the local association for some years. Lots of people were happy when he left.

    However there is a good chance he will either hold the seat by gaining enough of the protest vote or, if he doesn't, allow the Labour candidate in. Would be somewhat ironic if he were to be defeated twice in the same seat.

    Thankfully however I'm not longer in Castle Point... I'm Southend West instead. :(

  5. Clarissa, is he a cunt though, we need to konw?

  6. "I thought Conservatives might have had the teensiest desire to actually conserve something, but too many of them seem happy to go with the New Labour multi-culti flow. "


    "Hardly the apocalypse, methinks."

    Unless, of course, you live on the edge of it.

    "Would be somewhat ironic if he were to be defeated twice in the same seat."

    Oh, I think this election is going to throw up some very interesting results...

  7. This is a Cameroon cunning plan to get both pro-builders and pro-green belters to vote Conservative. As usual with the Cameroons, by seeking to appeal to everyone (except the Conservative core vote, of course) the Conservatives will lose both tranches and the seat. Genius!
