Saturday, 3 April 2010

Why Our Prison System Is A Total Joke....

A triple murderer is demanding thousands of pounds in compensation because he claims prison staff breached his human rights by ignoring his needs during a meeting.
Oh, FFS..!
The prison officers wrote him letters of apology but Thakrar said they were 'meaningless' claiming he was further 'offended' as they contained spelling errors.
Well, isn't he precious! Who did he murder, three signwriters who left in a grocer's apostrophe?
Thakrar is serving three life sentences for killing three men with a 1,000-round-a-minute machine gun over a £10,000 drug debt.

And just how did he get to know what went on in a meeting anyway? Well, no surprises there:
His claim for compensation is expected to be funded through Legal Aid and was launched after the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman Stephen Shaw told a prisoner's magazine that two prison staff had treated a prisoner 'unfairly'.
Nice going, chum.
Though he did not name Thakrar, 23, in the article, Mr Shaw used his case as an example of the 'good practice' he has instilled at the Ombudsman's office since taking on the role in 1999.

He may now be regretting his boast.
Oh, no, I rather doubt that. These people never regret anything...


  1. I'm firm believer in some basic human rights. I also think that those rights should extend to all humans. The issue here seems to be that basic human rights are being confused with the extended rights of those capable and/or willing to respect other peoples legal and human rights.

    Just because someone is either incapable or unwilling to respect another's human or legal rights is not an excuse to treat them less than a human. It is a good reason to prevent them from doing it again, attempt to rehabilitate them if possible, use their actions as a guide to other's of cause and effect and punish them.

    How on earth they can justify a financial compensation for what is being claimed a breach of his human rights in circumstances relating to spelling mistakes in a letter and ignoring his needs in a meeting I have no idea. What needs were ignored? Did they deny him air to breath, just enough food and water to survive, it appears his needs were not promptly acted on in relation to a request for an application for probation. This is a legal issue not a human rights issue and if the needs weren’t recorded as allegedly requested the application doesn’t exist except in his mind and possibly the memories of some prison guards.

    He should have been allowed to make his allegedly, but unfortunately now admitted in writing, late request to be considered as any request of this nature would be and if it is proven that is was late then he might have a claim for compensation. The spelling mistakes are simply a disciplinary issue and have nothing to do with anyone’s rights human or otherwise.

  2. "Who did he murder, three signwriters who left in a grocer's apostrophe?"

    Careful now, Julia. These are matters which inflame ungovernable passions. One commenter at Pickled Politics was apparently deeply upset that I can punctuate correctly. It conflicted with her prejudice that, as a "BNP-loving troll", I should be unable to string a grammatically and orthographically correct English sentence together. Next time I comment at PP, if ever, I must remember to type with my knuckles rather than my finger tips and drool copiously over the keyboard. Arf arf arf, innit?

  3. Thakrar

    Ahhh. ANOTHER good "old English name" I can add to my list of OBVIOUSLY ENGLISH pricks vagabonds, murderers and thieves.

  4. "The issue here seems to be that basic human rights are being confused with the extended rights of those capable and/or willing to respect other peoples legal and human rights."

    Quite. And while there are people willing to confuse more and more things with those basic human rights, we can expect more of these cases.

    "These are matters which inflame ungovernable passions. One commenter at Pickled Politics was apparently deeply upset that I can punctuate correctly."

    The list of things that seems to upset PP commenters grows ever longer and more bizarre the more often I read it. Which is, admittedly, only when I'm in need of a laugh or some easy prey.

    They aren't great thinkers over there.

    "Ahhh. ANOTHER good "old English name" I can add to my list of OBVIOUSLY ENGLISH pricks vagabonds, murderers and thieves."

    You should see the 'courst apperarances' section of many London local newspapers - any one is a damnably tricky Scrabble turn...

  5. Why not place Thakrar in front of the muzzle of a thousand-round-a-minute machine pistol and empty the contents of the magazine into him, as he did to his three victims?

  6. JuliaM said...
    "Ahhh. ANOTHER good "old English name" I can add to my list of OBVIOUSLY ENGLISH pricks vagabonds, murderers and thieves."

    You should see the 'courst apperarances' section of many London local newspapers - any one is a damnably tricky Scrabble turn...

    I have seen the cout lists here. VERY similar. But at least our justice system a,d Home secretary equivalkent, plus other politicians, have no problems pointing the fact out on occassion.

    Even the MSM picks up on it every few weeks.
