Friday, 2 April 2010

"You're never alone, you're never disconnected!"

Teachers should look out for signs of gang activity such as pupils wearing stab vests, dressing alike or using different nicknames, according to new advice for schools.
Good lord, they can't seem to spot cases of simple bullying. How are they supposed to cope with the Peckham version of the Bloods and the Crips?
The toolkit, published by the NASUWT teaching union, gives advice on how to crack down on gangs and youth violence.

It includes a list of signs to watch out for to spot teenage gang members.
No need; Bernstein and Sondheim already provided the definitive guide:


  1. " Teachers should look out for signs of gang activity such as pupils wearing stab vests, dressing alike or using different nicknames, according to new advice for schools."

    A lot of pupils at my old school must have been gang members because we all dressed alike- grey trousers, a black blazer, white shirt and identical ties.

  2. 'The toolkit, published by the NASUWT teaching union, gives advice on how to crack down on gangs and youth violence.'

    But wouldn't putting them in The Naughty Book damage their self-esteem?

  3. "A lot of pupils at my old school must have been gang members because we all dressed alike..."

    Heh! MummyLongLeg's post on this pointed out the similarity of many kids' fashions too.

    "But wouldn't putting them in The Naughty Book damage their self-esteem?"

    The problem with most kids today seems to be far too much self-esteem...
