Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Truly Vibrant And Diverse...

So, as both Angry Exile and Constantly Furious noted yesterday, postal vote fraud rears its ugly head again, does it? At least, in certain areas, among a certain demographic.

But don't listen to us nasty right wing, non-politically correct bloggers. Let a fearless card-carrying member of the MSM tell you all about it. Once he's had his wounds stitched, anyway...
When I look back on it now what surprises me is how disarmingly polite my attackers were.

"What are you doing?" asked one of the two, seemingly inquisitive, Asian teenagers who approached me on a quiet cul-de-sac in Bow, east London, shortly after 1pm yesterday.

"There's been a photographer around here, do you know her?" he added. I didn't, but I explained I was a journalist for The Independent looking to speak to a man at an address in the area, who was standing as a candidate in the local elections, about allegations of postal vote fraud. "Can we see your note pad," the boy asked.

I declined and then the first punch came – landing straight on my nose, sending blood and tears streaming down my face. Then another. Then another.
Well, that should quench the desire of any of his fellow journalists to investigate this odd phenomenon, shouldn't it?
What brought me to Bow yesterday were allegations of widespread postal voting fraud. Both the local Conservative and Respect parties in Tower Hamlets have been looking through the new electoral rolls for properties that have an alarmingly high number of adults registered to one address. The area has a large Bengali population and this type of fraud is unfortunately all too common. In some instances there have been as many as 20 Bengali names supposedly living in two or three-bedroom flats. When journalists have previously called, all too often there are far fewer living there. In some instances, no Bengalis at all.
Superb! Let no-one doubt that mass immigration and non-integration has been a success story, right?

Because even having had seven shades of journalistic enthusiasm kicked out of him, Jerome Taylor still can't quite believe that there are any lessons to learn from this:
Thinking back on my experience perhaps I was naïve to venture into the area on my own, although I do live in east London, know the estates well and have rarely felt threatened.
Perhaps you were 'naïve' to walk down a London street? Surely not! Aren't we always being told that there are no 'no-go' areas in the UK? Well, apart from those created by the horrible indigenous population and their binge drinking, that is.

At least the paramedics are in no doubt as to what this area is like...
The paramedics who treated me told me that they rarely went into the area without a police escort.
...although they seem a little confused as to the cause:
"These kids are trapped in an endless cycle of poverty," one of them said.
Mmm, it's 'poverty' that causes journalists asking awkward questions to be beaten to a pulp, is it?
Last night, I managed to speak to the man I wanted to interview about the alleged fraud, and whose house I was outside when I was attacked. He said: "I am not going to talk to you about this. Why have you been knocking on my door. You don't disturb me. If you knock on my door again I will take you to court."
For what? Bruising your henchman's fists with his face?

As Dungeekin puts it:
'Robert Mugabe was unavailable for comment.'


  1. I think that Mr. Taylor should be arrested and charged with racial harassment and incitement of violence. he is preventing them from observing their traditional lifestyle and election rituals.

    I mean, just look what he made them do.

  2. Sheer drivel. These people (the liberal journo) just can't bring thenselves to say what needs to be said. Instead it is all couched in this weedling incomprehension. There's an effing great big HUUGE ENORMOUS bleedin' elephant in the country and no one it seems, with any influence will tell it like it is. When someone does speak out or even just mentions concerns in passing a la Mrs Duffy the establishment visibly flinches like a vampire being splashed with holy water and reaches for the big state Dymo label making machine!

  3. The perpetrators of this good natured rough and tumble are just misunderstood. They don't know our ways or culture, and anyway this old one man one vote thing is so passé.

  4. 'Because even having had seven shades of journalistic enthusiasm kicked out of him,'

    he has been right royally Fisked, innit?


  5. @ Ranter,

    There's an effing great big HUUGE ENORMOUS bleedin' elephant in the country and no one it seems, with any influence will tell it like it is.

    The elephant is also producing huge quantities of excreta.

  6. I've no idea what-so-ever why Nick Griffin is taking hold of many inner City areas these days. It would no doubt go above Mr Taylor's head too, although I wouldn't doubt he'd pigeon hole all of their core voters as both bigots and racists.

    Ho Hum.

  7. Labour's open door policy has let in the worst the world can offer. The lazy and feckless, the savages and barbarians, the criminals and downright evil and uncivilised of people.

    These people came to our country and are taking liberties. Once an immigrant breaks the law, he and his family should be deported, permanently!

    I'm sick of my country being treated like a rubbish tip for the world's trash.

  8. "he is preventing them from observing their traditional lifestyle and election rituals."


    "There's an effing great big HUUGE ENORMOUS bleedin' elephant in the country and no one it seems, with any influence will tell it like it is."

    No, they won't, not even when they are bleeding as a result.

    And as Foxy Brown points out, that elephant is defecating all over our electoral process!

    "he has been right royally Fisked, innit?"

    I'm rather surprised the other MSM outlets didn't make more of it...

    "I've no idea what-so-ever why Nick Griffin is taking hold of many inner City areas these days."

    Quite. When you vcan't get an answer from the usual poeople, you'll turn to others. Why are they unable to see it?

  9. "Labour's open door policy has let in the worst the world can offer."

    And some of the best. No-one seems to want to make a value judgement, though.

    "I'll say it, shall I?


    It's certainly not Hindus, or Rosicrucians, or Inuit...

  10. I'm so pleased that this happened to a journalist from the oh-so-right-on Independent. They live their pampered lives in the swankier enclaves of London and when he takes a trip to the swamp gets kicked in by the new locals, brilliant.
