Wednesday, 5 May 2010

You'll Have To Separate Them For A Lot Longer Than That...

...if you want to have any chance of affecting the pregnancy rate:
Boys and girls will be separated for sex education classes as part of a drive to cut the number of unmarried young mothers in an area notorious for teenage pregnancies.
Yeah, that'll work...

And why is this supposed to be the magic bullet?
...a review found children were more likely to heed the advice in same-sex groups.
I'm not sure it's same-sex groups that is required. Unless you plan to keep them in those groups for a lot longer than a single lesson!
It is also hoped that lessons could be more closely targeted, for example educating boys about the responsibilities of fatherhood.
What responsibilities? Is the CSA chasing them for their pocket money?


  1. The practicals are much less fun, and the equal time stuff is a real bitch.

  2. When I was young, many, many years ago, very few girls got themselves pregnant. It did happen of course but the "instant council house and benefits system" had only just started to rear its ugly head.

    Most of my friends knew their parents would bloody kill them if they came home pregnant. The parents were expected to keep their wayward daughters and offspring, not the state and if the neighbours found out, the shame of it!

    Where I live in Spain, it is still very much frowned upon when a single girl becomes pregnant. The whole town knows and gossips about how "loose" the girl is.

    I have even known whole families move away because of the shame.

    The state has made it respectable by agreeing to finance it.

  3. Great title!

    Remember this?

    The advice, from the Teenage Pregnancy Unit, instructs teachers to tell teenage boys about the "enjoyment of early fatherhood" and discuss with them their "parenting aims and aspirations".

  4. "The practicals are much less fun, and the equal time stuff is a real bitch."


    "Where I live in Spain, it is still very much frowned upon when a single girl becomes pregnant."

    I can't see them giving in to the EU on social engineering so easily, either.

    "Remember this?"

    Heh! Joined-up government, again...

  5. I still remember the sex education I had at school, about age 12. We boys were segregated from the girls (who were sent off to be taught all about periods I suppose) and subjected to a 1/2 hour improvised lesson by a clearly embarrassed PE teacher, who never got beyond the subject of personal hygiene. Happy days!

  6. I recall a Peter Sellers sketch, when he played a Headmaster interviewing a prospective pupils parents, when asked how he kept the sexes apart replied 'if you must know I prise them apart with a crowbar'
    It was on either 'Songs for Swinging Sellers' or 'The Best of Sellers'
    If they are sill available get a copy sill funny after all these years.
