Thursday 17 June 2010

Here’s Why You Never Run With Scissors…

A teacher throttled his headmaster after he was sacked for chasing a colleague with a pair of scissors, a court has heard.

If he’d been a pupil, he probably wouldn’t have had more than a day’s detention for that, mind…
Arek Bielecki, 33, brandished the blades at fellow teacher Michael Thompson before head-butting him during a staff meeting on January 4.

After being dismissed, he returned to the Monteagle Primary School in Dagenham, Essex, on March 12.

He was allowed back in and headed straight for the office of headmaster Mr Nicholas Munns.
And that proved to be a mistake:
Prosecutor Michelle Fawcett said: ‘As he sat down, Mr Bielecki turned towards him and said: “I’m going to kill you”.

‘At the same time the defendant lunged forward and grabbed Mr Munns by the throat and began to squeeze tightly. ’
Luckily, this was witnessed by some teachers, who came to their head’s assistance.
Terrified staff had to force their way into the office to rescue Mr Munns.
Open and shut case?

Not quite:
Bielecki, of Dagenham, Essex, denies affray, actual bodily harm and making a threat to kill.
Can’t wait to see his defence.

Hope it’s a bit better than ‘But sir, he started it!’…


  1. Hope springs eternal.

    The first case I ever tried as a juror (sounds rather grand, that, doesn't it?) was for murder and rape. I don't know whether he had admitted the underlying robbery or whether they didn't think it worth bothering with.

    The victim's credit card was found torn up and stuffed down between the floorboards of his bedroom, his semen was identified on/in her body, the knife was found in his back garden, and so on ad tedium.

    And yet he still believed he could bluff his way through the trial.

  2. A good old English name, that...

  3. A close friend of mine used to be a "Prison Escort", transporting prisoners to and from court, etc.

    She had many a tale of juries believing the most utterly implausable defences. Even if literally caught red-handed it is well worth a roll of the dice it seems, after all "it's free innit?"

  4. A good lawyer never lets the facts get in the way of a good defence.

  5. "And yet he still believed he could bluff his way through the trial."

    It must work often enough that the gamble is worth it.

    And as Jiks points out, it doesn't cost them anything...

    "A good old English name, that..."

    I suspect 'Eastern European supply teacher'.

    "A good lawyer never lets the facts get in the way of a good defence."

    So do the bad ones! ;)
