Tuesday 22 June 2010


Traveller families have set up camp on land earmarked for a new £20million police headquarters.
Ah, hahahahahahahaha...
A 63-year-old man, who lives opposite the field and did not want to be named, said: 'It is quite ironic they have moved to a site where the police want to build their headquarters'.
Good job no-one asked me, I'd have been too busy laughing to give them a qu...

Oh, sorry, I just...

Ah, hahahahahahahaha...
Peter Lightfoot, chairman of Bishop's Cleeve Parish Council, said: 'I'm a bit surprised the police weren't more conscious of the security there in terms of preventing unauthorised access.'
Indeed! Someone should break in to their HQ or their cars and leave a 'crime prevention' leaflet for them.


  1. Irrestible force meet immovable object? Wonder whose righteousness trumps here.

    I'd have to agree though given the amounts they spend on security guards mentioned a couple of days ago, you'd think they coulc have afforded a couple more.

  2. "Someone should break in to their HQ or their cars and leave a 'crime prevention' leaflet for them."

    If it is no trouble and it probably won't be, could that someone also pick up a couple of Glocks,.....oh and a few live rounds from the sweety tin?

  3. I'll be back when I've stopped laughing. In a few weeks.

    The only thing that could make this funnier is if they are finally persuaded to decamp, and go and take up residence in Ed Balls' garden.

  4. Second thoughts: Bevanite Ellie's garden would be funnier still.

  5. Julia, more trouble on the horizon for the police ... http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/jun/22/policeman-gay-contest-rape-charge

    really the link says it all.

  6. Ah, hahahahahahahaha...


  7. Mrs Erdleigh

    Apparently the plod in question entered Mr Gay UK a few years ago - and has been doing something similar recently by the sound of it.

  8. What a great shame our gay policemen find themselves exposed to yet another annus horribilus.

  9. What's the betting Plod gets his land back a lot faster than any of us would?

    One rule for them, nothing for us.

  10. Assistant Chief Constable Ivor Twydell, of Gloucestershire police, said: 'The land occupied by travellers in Bishop's Cleeve is the site of the new custody suite.

    Come back when it has been built.

  11. "Second thoughts: Bevanite Ellie's garden would be funnier still."

    Mmmm, that would be just delicious...

    "...more trouble on the horizon for the police ..."


    "Apparently the plod in question entered Mr Gay UK a few years ago - and has been doing something similar recently by the sound of it."


    "Come back when it has been built."

    Heh! Yes, I supposed they could be classified as 'just a little too early'.. :)

  12. 'The land occupied by travellers in Bishop's Cleeve is the site of the new custody suite.'

    Oh? So there's no problem then. Just build it around them.

  13. How the hell did I miss this here earlier? That's just gold! It'll be interesting to see how quick the police are able to move them when it's them being put out for a change.
