Sunday 25 July 2010

Cries Of 'Racist!' In 5...4...3...

Stephen Batten QC, prosecuting, said many of the people involved in the case had been linked to shootings and drug dealing on the Stonebridge Park Estate, in Harlesden, north west London.

He told the jury: 'Attitudes and standards are different. It is more the law of the jungle than the law of civilised England.'
Oooh, someone's going to be screaming about that, I'll bet...


  1. Open invitation, I should have thought.

  2. If the hat fits.... Or are there ONLY coons living in these places?

  3. What civilized England? And if such a statement is true, why no action to bring and end to the jungle?

  4. On past evidence, the Office for Judicial Complaints is likely to make work for itself when it hears about this.

  5. "Open invitation, I should have thought."


    "If the hat fits..."

    Precisely. You might say it's a bit of an insult to us that we let such a state continue too...

    "And if such a statement is true, why no action to bring and end to the jungle?"

    No doubt there's a dedicated 'gang culture' team tasked with it. I wonder if they liaise with their US compatriots, since a lot of this sort of culture seems to have been lifted direct from the US?

    "On past evidence, the Office for Judicial Complaints is likely to make work for itself when it hears about this."

    Yes, I was thinking of that magistrate who got his knuckles rapped for the 'immigrants on benefits' remark...

  6. Gadget is fond of his term 'Swamp', but one guesses he is not familiar with its metaphoric origin (Miller, David Cameron (1988). Dark Eden: the swamp in nineteenth-century American culture. Volume 43 of Cambridge studies in American literature and culture Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521375533).
    'Swamps and Jungles'in this metaphoric sense are places of the exploitation of the poor, with no redress to law. No doubt the QC would argue some such rather than a racist usage.
    No doubt one might also refer to an individual as a jigger rabbit and claim one was referring only to a certain feline quality, if one were a QC? Whereas we poor uneducated souls would no doubt be held to intend some dark quality of skin good for concealment in the alleyways of the criminal night?

  7. Stonebridge Park was rough as f*** twenty years ago, it's where Luton gangsters went to buy their guns; goodness knows what it is like now.

  8. A council spent 400 grand using taxis to drive teenagers though areas they were scared to walk through because of ganga with tribal loyalties to specific areas. Now we have more police at any time in history so why aren't they walking the beat in London like they did 120 years ago? More on the street, less chance of criminal activity and more chances of arresting armed criminals.
