Saturday 31 July 2010

Emma Needham Deserves A Medal...

...for saving a woman's life, and for restoring my faith in UK teenagers:
A teenager persuaded a mother not to jump from a bridge on to a busy motorway - by promising to give her the biggest hug in the world.

Emma Needham, 19, spent an hour comforting the 47-year-old woman who was perched on a narrow parapet with her legs dangling over cars and lorries below.

The personal assistant was returning from a friend's house when she spotted a young boy begging the woman - his mother - not to jump from the bridge.
Isn't it nice to read something like that, rather than something like this?


  1. Kind of restores your faith in humanity, well done that young lady.

  2. Humanity, winning through. A wonder to behold in these times; Emma, you are a very special young lady - thank you for your actions and showing us that there is still a little light in the darkness.

  3. A profound contrast. All the very best to you, Emma.

  4. "Kind of restores your faith in humanity..."

    It does, doesn't it?

  5. "Emma Needham Deserves A Medal..."

    I believe the system is that you make a request to the Palace, that a person be "awarded".

    Or you could try the "Shipwreck and humane society" if it still exists.

    Always worth a try.
