Tuesday 13 July 2010

Ronald McDonald Says "Come Get Some!"

Via DavidNcl on Twitter, this little gem:
McDonald's Happy Meals have been in the headlines lately, with activist group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) threatening to sue them for "using toys to lure small children into McDonald’s."

The official response from the CEO of the nation's purveyors of burgers and fries is in, and it's kind of badass:

"CSPI's twisted characterization of McDonald's as "the stranger in the playground handing out candy to children" is an insult to every one of our franchisees and employees around the world. When CSPI refers to America's children as "an unpaid drone army," you similarly denigrate parents and families, because they are fully capable of making their own decisions. You should apologize....

The public does not support your lawsuit. Internet sites, blogs and network surveys suggest that public opinion is running overwhelmingly against your premise. Our customer websites and phone lines at McDonald's are also busy, with more than nine out of 10 customers disagreeing with your agenda. Parents, in particular, strongly believe they have the right and responsibility to decide what's best for their children, not CSPI. It really is that simple."
Now, that's how you deal with shakedown artists!


  1. If people want to feed their kids this poison, that's up to them.

    If they are so shallow and devoid of intellect to be able to see that Maccy D's offers these 'toys' to employ 'pester power' from the kids, more fool them.

  2. If people want to feed their kids this poison, that's up to them.

    If they are so shallow and devoid of intellect to be able to see that Maccy D's offers these 'toys' to employ 'pester power' from the kids, more fool them.

  3. Comments are playing up... again!

  4. If anything, those wretched toys make parents less likely to buy "happy" meals, many a weekend has been spent sorting through the mass of unidentifiable plastic in the kid's toy box, and the insufferable arguments about how an amorphous lump appears to become the most wonderful thing in the universe even though it's spent half the year under the bed.

    The more experience among us avoid the junk accumulating in the first place.

  5. Sack all the tax funded prodnoses that try to tell us what to do, eat, say and think.

    Life should be about choice and responsibility. No more, no less.

    If I wish to eat burgers (or to buy them for my children) that's my choice - butt out of my life.

    It's also my responsibility. If I do it to excess and get fat, guess whose fault it is? Mine.

    These are two sides of the same coin. The state and its overpaid diet-nazis has no part in either side of this balance.

  6. Ian F4

    I know exactly what you mean.

  7. CSPI is a vile Leftist prodnose pressure group that has form in this area. A pox on them.

  8. "Comments are playing up... again!"

    Yes, Blogger's being a bit odd. Again! Don't worry about it.

    "If anything, those wretched toys make parents less likely to buy "happy" meals..."

    I've heard parents request a Happy Meal, no toy. They must have stood on one in the middle of the night getting up in bare feet!

    "Sack all the tax funded prodnoses that try to tell us what to do, eat, say and think."


    "CSPI is a vile Leftist prodnose pressure group that has form in this area. A pox on them."

    If a few more companies took the lead of McDonalds, it would help. Instead, they roll over.

  9. I took my children when they were younger to McDonalds for a treat. Now why wass it a treat? Because it was not an everyday occurrence! They did enjoy it too. All there are healthy slim women these days.

    So called junk food is not junk food at all. It has plenty of nutrition and can be eated as part of a balanced and sane diet/eating regime. You just have to be sensible and sensible as a parent too. these busy bodies need to butt out! Good for the honcho at McDs for his comments.

  10. Dammit. All THREE are slim. healthy women these days. Soz for the typos!
