Tuesday 27 July 2010

Tough On Crime, Tough On The Causes Of Crime...

...another strange cause of crime apparently now revealed as hot dog vans!
A “Hot Dog Hopper” van could be setting up shop outside the Jobcentre, near the Town Hall, until 5am from Monday until Saturday.

But Essex Police licensing officer Mick Aitchison has written to Colchester Council’s licensing committee opposing it.
He said: “Essex Police are extremely concerned this van could become a focal point for crime and disorder and public nuisance long after the latest alcohol premises in the High Street has closed (Liquid & Envy at 3.30am) and it will encourage persons to remain in the High Street long after the last visible police presence has cleared from this area.”
Well, don't 'clear from the area' then! Or is that too simple?

It seems the police are worried that another focal point for people (who may, or may not, cause trouble) will split their resources:
Currently, police can focus their resources on Queen Street and St Botolph’s Street in the early hours of the morning, as most takeaways in the town centre are based there.
Perhaps if the police are so short of resources they should give up the social work and stop harassing photographers?
The Dutch Quarter Association, and councillors Henry Spyvee and Bill Frame, are also against the plan.

Mr Spyvee said: “I am concerned the High Street is already unsafe during the hours of the night.

Adding further potential for crime is unacceptable.”
So, there you have it. We must never, ever do anything that has the potential for crime.

Now, can anyone give me an example of an activity that doesn't - in some way - allow the potential for crime?


  1. Yes of course no one must be allowed to eat hot dogs without police supervision.

  2. Captain Haddock27 July 2010 at 11:04

    Said Hot Dog pedlar has obviously told Essex Police to sod off, as far as "freebies" go ...

  3. Personally I don't think that anyone should be serving food to drunks in the early hours of the morning.

    Nothing to do with crime and disorder though, I do live quite close to the town centre and puke on the pavements in the morning is all too common.

  4. So the police and the council are effectively acknowledging that Colchester's High Street at night is a no-go area where the rule of law does not apply.

    Who would have thought that nocturnal hot dogging posed such a threat?

  5. No!
    (Answering your question!)

  6. one of the best activities with a great potential for crime is to become a PC or Council Licensing 'Officer'.

  7. I am one of those "Council Licensing Officers" and the whole issue of licensing is more complex than your correspondents suspect - all I would say is " don't shoot the messenger". Yes, there are those that make me cringe, and some that are real "jobsworths", but what would your correspondents have in it's stead? No control at all? Give us a break - ask the real questions. And there is merit in the comment relating to police cover - provide it when it's needed - simples !

  8. Anonymong,

    Just doin' yer job, ain'tcha?

    Just like a prostitute.

  9. I used to get a really nice bacon butty in Altrincham's all night cafe. However, I was shot at near Warrington's Hogie Wagon. I now favour a complete ban on takeaway food suppliers where it can be shown the chuck-up or packaging on our streets originates with them. I'd licence them to shoot customers littering in this fashion.

  10. Our town centre MacDonalds is open until 5am without any police worries; they usually 'clear out' about 4am, an hour after the clubs close.

    Colchester, Toughen The F... UP!

  11. "Yes of course no one must be allowed to eat hot dogs without police supervision."


    "Said Hot Dog pedlar has obviously told Essex Police to sod off, as far as "freebies" go ..."


    "Personally I don't think that anyone should be serving food to drunks in the early hours of the morning."

    Is it purely 'drunks'? Is it purely troublesome drunks? What about other night workers?

    Personally, I'm all in favour of choice. If people are causing problems, address the people causing problems. Not rocket science, is it?

    "Who would have thought that nocturnal hot dogging posed such a threat?"


    "...what would your correspondents have in it's stead? No control at all? Give us a break - ask the real questions. "

    No, we'd like sensible controls, not this 'Right, no-one can have a hot dog because a few misbehave!' insanity. That went out with my schooldays, frankly.

    "I now favour a complete ban on takeaway food suppliers where it can be shown the chuck-up or packaging on our streets originates with them."

    Perhaps the better way to address this would be to have the council litter patrol out at night?

    Yeah, I know. In my dreams...

    "Our town centre MacDonalds is open until 5am without any police worries; they usually 'clear out' about 4am, an hour after the clubs close."

    McDonalds seems to have a good reputation as far as litter goes - I've seen workers from my nearest one out collecting litter several streets away.

  12. "I now favour a complete ban on takeaway food suppliers where it can be shown the chuck-up or packaging on our streets originates with them."

    And where would your have the limits? Zero tolerance? They'll all have at least one lazy bastard customer who litters and one drunk who heaves it back up on to the pavement, so you'd need nothing less than the abolition of the entire fast food industry. Any other level chosen short of the status quo (licensing and/or zoning regs being about all the controls in place) will be entirely arbitrary.

    That's just the first problem. The next is justifying putting the responsibility on some poor sod trying to make a buck selling food instead of the drunken pricks who drop the packaging it came in or spew it back up all over the place. It's like holding Ford responsible for drunk driving. As her Ambushiness says, target the maggots who are actually responsible. I've watched UK police just stand there and do nothing as the clubs empty and the street gets turned into a garbage dump and makeshift latrine. I feel it's long past time they should be nicking people for it and the courts should be sentencing them to spending a large number of Friday and Saturday nights cleaning up other people's litter in complete sobriety.

    WV: holarge - what you'd call upsizing if McDonalds ever branch out into brothels.

  13. Is it purely 'drunks'? Is it purely troublesome drunks? What about other night workers?

    No, just the very drunk. It isn't something that should need any kind of regulation, just common sense. Kind of like not letting a two year old unsupervised use of the felt-tip pens.
