Wednesday, 4 August 2010

And They Tell Us Britain Isn't Broken?

A seven-month old baby was thrown into the path of a double-decker bus by a teenage girl after he was ripped from the arms of his terrified sister.

Tavish Dabedeen landed in a bus lane outside a station as the vehicle approached, but the driver was able to avoid the helpless child.
Good god. Even for Croydon, that's uttely appalling...
Horrified commuters ran to Tavish's aid after the teenager and another girl targeted his family who were visiting shops.
You'd expect this to be some kind of mental illness/care in the community attack, but no. It seems it all stems from some kind of school bullying; at least, that is the 'Mail's first take on it.
Witnesses said two teenage girls, believed to attend the same school as the child's sister, viciously attacked the family group.

Mark Marshall, who works nearby, said: 'It’s a disgusting incident that still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

'What goes through a person’s mind to do something like that?

'I thought someone had been hit by a car when we saw all the people standing around looking in the road, then when I realised it was a small baby my heart just sank.

'Whatever happens to that girl happens, her parents should be ashamed of her.'
I think this one is going to be illuminating, when it finally comes to court. Assuming, that is, it gets that far. Police say they are still hunting for the second attacker.


  1. I can almost see the 14 year old's mugshot already. Surely must sport a Croydon facelift. ;)

  2. The Croydon facelift, designed to facilitate a Glasgow kiss, no doubt, Dick.

  3. I think this may well turn out to be another black-on-Asian attack like the murder of that poor chap in front of his little granddaughter. You know, those attacks that are never racist.

  4. its just sooooooooo depressing, Here I am working in Slough thinking my customer is in Pakistan and I would feel safer there. You know you've come somewhere bad when the first sign on the hotel door is 'this property is secured by patrols using guard dogs' Yes Slough not some Jamaican holiday camp where you expect and are pleased the hotel staff to carry guns to protect themselves and their guests.
    I've said it b4 and I'm sure I'll say it again; the female of the species is more deadlier than the male. If this is what they come up with now imagine the torment they will come up with when they become women and something doesn't quite go their way!!!! Fairer sex my arse. The problem for me is that not all women are the same some are very beautiful, honest, loving and wonderful friends that take care of themselves while sharing their time and resources in the pursuance of mutual fun making. We enjoy learning new things together and visiting places we have never been. The rest are parasitic sluts brought up to hate men or just see them as a replacement meal ticket when the benefits stop or the bank of mum and dad has closed for trading.

  5. Croydon; a marvellously diverse town or a 'special needs' town?

    WV = mustskin

  6. If this is not a good enough reason for the re-institution of hanging, what is?

    The attempted murder of a 7 month old baby? Because you 'looked at me funny'?

    Hang 'em. Really.

  7. You can almost hear the police prognostication - 'how are we supposed to know whether the threat is real or not before the baby is thrown in front of the bus?' They knew what the real problem was when they prosecuted Linda Walker, prepared to trash the career of a special needs teacher rather than reveal their own ineptitude and the scale of these problems.

  8. Laban's analysis of this horrific incident may well be correct; the report follows the usual MONA template,but in this case the perpetrators are GONA- girls of no appearance.

  9. Not very fair on the blameless majority of law-abiding Croydonites are you?

  10. "I can almost see the 14 year old's mugshot already."

    Mmm, I have the same suspicions as Laban, I'm afraid. I wonder if we'll ever find out?

    "You know you've come somewhere bad when the first sign on the hotel door is 'this property is secured by patrols using guard dogs' Yes Slough not some Jamaican holiday camp..."

    Good lord!

    "The attempted murder of a 7 month old baby? Because you 'looked at me funny'?"

    By the time lawyers and yoof workers have finished with them, it'll be bargained down to simple assault.

    "They knew what the real problem was when they prosecuted Linda Walker, prepared to trash the career of a special needs teacher rather than reveal their own ineptitude and the scale of these problems."

    I'm frankly surprised we haven't seen more Linda Walkers...

    "Not very fair on the blameless majority of law-abiding Croydonites are you?"

    Unfortunately, when a place gets that sort of reputation, it's very, very hard to overcome it. Look at Glasgow - lovely city, I felt quite safe there. But its reputation precedes it.

  11. I live in Croydon, and I feel safe walking home at night, but I'd not go anywhere near West Croydon after dark if I can help it. South Croydon and East Croydon are fine, but West Croydon is a bad place...

  12. What's not to like about Croydon? Visitors should be aware, though, that the Council operates pay and display car parks around the clock.

    Arrive at night and in the dark in an almost empty car park with no illuminated signs and you wouldn't suspect a thing.

    This policy must cost more to enforce than it generates in income but, surprise, surprise, a FoI request wasn't able to establish this.
