Saturday 7 August 2010

Brewer's Droop - The Ideal Defence!

A man accused of sexually assaulting a woman said he could not have raped her because he suffers from impotence if he is drunk.
And how likely is he to drink?

Mohammed Shahjahan, 27, of Slaymaker Close, Headington, Oxford, denies rape and assault by penetration, while Feizal Ali, 25, of Howard Street, in East Oxford, denies assault by penetration.
Giving evidence, Shahjahan said he had previously had a sexual relationship with the woman — who cannot be named for legal reasons — after first meeting her at a house party in 2008 but did not have sex with her on the night.
And we wonder why the conviction rate is so low?

H/T Anna Raccoon via email.


  1. In mitigation, Mr Shahjahan told the court that he did give the world the Taj Mahal.

    Re. Brewer's droop. Did you know Denmark's leading power company is called DONG Energy? Presumably power cuts are euphemistically called Electrical Dysfunction.

  2. Your source missed out this telling final to the proceedings:

    Judge Julian Hall described it as a "nasty case" and warned Shahjahan he faced a long prison term.

    Shahjahan shouted: "The system is racist anyway," before being led away.

  3. I thought muslims weren't supposed to drink? Looks like a good whipping is in order.

  4. Piggy-fiddlers versus the rape industry...the sad part is, one of them has to win.

  5. Oxford. I wonder what Inspector Morse would have made of it...

  6. "Did you know Denmark's leading power company is called DONG Energy? "

    Heh! There used to be a website listing all the things named unfortunately. I'll have to see if I can find it again...

    "Your source missed out this telling final to the proceedings..."

    Oh, indeed, and something else too. I'll be doing a followup tomorrow.

    "I thought muslims weren't supposed to drink? "

    Me too!

    "Oxford. I wonder what Inspector Morse would have made of it..."

    Probably have had a few more beers... ;)
