Monday 16 August 2010

Combating The 8mph Menace...

It seems that mobility scooters and the slow-moving menace they pose to the populace are in the news again:
A police force facing savage budget cuts has announced a crackdown on the menace of the mobility scooter driver.

Officers have launched a course to combat the scourge of the lawless silver-haired scooter rider as the number of accidents on the roads rise.

Still, we shouldn't be surprised. They have, in the past, been the target of overzealous policing (on the bright side though, there's no windows to smash!).
The Government is facing calls for a nationwide testing and registration scheme for the disability vehicles.
Really? From whom? Not, I hope, from people like Richard Boyd? People with a vested interest in the industry that would flow from such legislation?

Leg-Iron is rather looking forward to the day he gets one, mind you:
"Oh, I am so looking forward to being old. The police are going to deploy stingers and squad bicycles in hot pursuit. Well, they are sooo hard to catch and they tick the boxes so it's inevitable really. When I get one I want it to come with the full Davros styling. If it doesn't, I'll fit it myself. I'll have a Pope hat too and go around screaming "Ex-commun-icate"! Perhaps also a bald wig. "Ex-foli-ate". There's more, as Jimmy Cricket used to say, but I'll save them for later."
Old age is going to be pretty fun after all, I think...

H/T commenter RAB via email


  1. I've had one of those Saga louts drive his charriot in to my legs when he thought I wasn't clearing out of his way fast enough.


  2. God help us if Leg Iron drives around in one whilst carrying several Owls in broad daylight!

    W/V "ruter" - that's scary, a friend has just rung me because her internet is playing up, and she can't access the router....

  3. Dammit, if they 'crack down' on these things it'll take all the fun out of being ancient.

  4. I am not leaving myself wide open to police tick-box tactics. I have opted for solid rubber wheels and cancelled the glazing on my new Zimmer GT.

  5. Growing old disgracefully is all we have to look forward to.

  6. "I've had one of those Saga louts drive his charriot in to my legs..."

    Yes, the worst thing about them is how damn silent they are...

    "W/V "ruter" - that's scary, a friend has just rung me because her internet is playing up, and she can't access the router...."

    Spooky! ;)

    "Dammit, if they 'crack down' on these things it'll take all the fun out of being ancient."

    They seem intent on ruining every other pleasure in life, so it's hardly surprising their eyes would turn eventually to something we need when we've so nearly left this one...

    "..and cancelled the glazing on my new Zimmer GT."


    "Growing old disgracefully is all we have to look forward to."

