Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Disclaimer: Description Given May Not Be Accurate…

When 12 year old Georgia found a burglar in her kitchen, she knew just what to do…
The suspect is described as white, 18-20, thin, 5ft 7in, pale
Well, you can probably ignore the ‘pale’ bit. Any man would be pale, after getting a hefty kick in the unmentionables!


  1. I fervently hope the redoubtable Georgia doesn't find herself on the wrong end of a lawsuit for assault and causing distress - lots of it, by the sound of things.

    If the police do decide to prosecute, I'll happily chip in to a defence fund.

  2. Captain Haddock4 August 2010 at 10:41

    I know Bosham .. a lovely little town ..

    I hope this blokes bollocks hurt for a long time .. in fact, I hope local GP's & A&E Depts have been alerted to anyone claiming to be suffering from "Lift & Separate" syndrome .. or anyone now wearing his nuts as earrings .. ;)

    Well done Georgia ...

  3. Who knows - it could lead to a change of career for him, from criminal to farmer; he has a couple of acres to start with anyway!

  4. "which led to him fleeing empty-handed through a side gate." - I somehow doubt that he was "empty-handed"!!!

  5. Careful, Oldrightie. He may have been a gyppo.

  6. Captain Haddock4 August 2010 at 18:11

    Brian, follower of Deornoth said...

    "Careful, Oldrightie. He may have been a gyppo" ...

    Brian ..

    You are no longer permitted to call them "Gyppos", "Pikeys", "Dungers" or "Knackers" .. all of which are now considered to be both offensive & derogatory ..

    They will now be officially referred to as Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers .. abbreviated, for convenience to CUNT(s)... ;)

  7. We can but hope that the kick has removed the possibility of the 'soup' ever containing any 'meat'and there will be no one to carry on the family business.

  8. "I fervently hope the redoubtable Georgia doesn't find herself on the wrong end of a lawsuit for assault and causing distress..."

    Who'd want to be the crim who had to admit in open court that he was seen off by a 12-year-old girl?

    "Who knows - it could lead to a change of career for him, from criminal to farmer; he has a couple of acres to start with anyway!"


    "They will now be officially referred to as Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers .. abbreviated, for convenience to CUNT(s)... ;)"


    "We can but hope that the kick has removed the possibility of the 'soup' ever containing any 'meat'and there will be no one to carry on the family business."

    Sadly, it seems the worst among us are also often the most fecund.
