Saturday 7 August 2010

Failing To See The Wood For The Damned Great Money Trees...

The 'Indy' had a leading article on Thursday about the increased use of care for children since the Baby P scandal. It came to the conclusion that the unseemly fuss made by the public and media over the mistakes made forced, yes, forced the SS to take no chances, and so take children into care where they would previously have left them with their parents.

All this in a shameless bid to head off any attempted budget cuts at the pass. In doing so, however, it revealed the peculiar way the Righteous think:
The experience of Martin Narey is instructive here. When he was head of the nation's prisons he assumed that care was a gateway to crime and believed that children's exposure to public care should be minimised. But since he took over as head of the children's charity Barnado's he has been forced to the conclusion that our social services place too high a premium on keeping the birth family together; we can, and should, try to fix families with problems, but we should not persist in cases where it becomes clear that the prospects of success are bleak.
You see, it never occurs to the leader writer that Narey is simply dancing to the tune played by the piper.

Naturally, when he was in prison services, he wanted to find some other aspect of society to blame. And naturally, now he's in children's services, he wants to keep the constant flow of customers coming.

He's not had a 'revelation' at all. Unless it concerns his wallet...


  1. This goes on all the time doesn't it Julia. It used to be called skill transfer which, from my experience, was useless, even dangerous in certain professions. But keep the few in the top jobs. His face must fit and blend with ermine.

  2. Did you not do a post about Barnardos a while back, saying they wanted more kids in childrens homes rather than foster families?
    They are just a self serving business, not a charity.

  3. His face must fit and blend with ermine.

    Yes, failed Home Sec. Jackie 'Spliff' is trying to become the Vice Chairwomen of the BBC Trust

  4. "His face must fit and blend with ermine."

    Pity his face seems to perpetually wear an expression like a smacked arse, then.. ;)

    "Did you not do a post about Barnardos a while back, saying they wanted more kids in childrens homes rather than foster families?"

    Indeed I did. Here.

    "Yes, failed Home Sec. Jackie 'Spliff' is trying to become the Vice Chairwomen of the BBC Trust"

    Some people have no sense of shame, do they? And those people aren't exclusively chavs on council estates!

  5. Don't these arseholes have any integrity?
