Thursday 26 August 2010

I Think I Need A New Hobby....

...something to do on my days off that will torment the helpless, frighten passers-by, amuse the YouTube crowd, and, above all, not run the risk of attracting unwelcome attention from the authorities.

Hmmm, what to do, what to do....
Police considered that no offence had been committed and no-one was arrested but police enquiries continue she said.
*snaps fingers*

That's it! I'll get a large, vicious mastiff-type dog and set it on random drunken members of the public! Perfect!


  1. Can't help thinking that the thugs would have had to force the mastiff to smoke a cigarette to get the police interested. Double whammy - underage smoking and animal cruelty. Cue the RSPCA and their paramilitary wing, the police.

  2. How can no offence have been committed but the police continue investigations?

    Have they nothing better to do?

  3. "Can't help thinking that the thugs would have had to force the mastiff to smoke a cigarette to get the police interested."

    I think, on the whole, it'd be safer to stick to beagles!

    "How can no offence have been committed but the police continue investigations?"

    Beats me!
