Wednesday, 4 August 2010

”No matter if it’s heroin, cocaine, or hash…”

”…you got to carry weapons, ‘cos you always carry cash”:
A student faces prison after he was caught carrying a gun at his college.

Adamo Kizey, 18, was found with a semi-automatic pistol and a magazine with six rounds of ammunition when searched at Kingston College in South London.

A further search of his home revealed 20 wraps of cannabis, weighing scales and a gun silencer.
I wonder what he was studying?


  1. Another fine old British name.

  2. A bit more from the local rag. Why the delay in sentencing? (To answer my own question) to let the bureaucracy of "tolerance" find that he is either too sensitive to be imprisoned or that prison would be inappropriate since, although he is apparently a drug dealer, he is highly regarded at his place of "education" and by his local community.

    How reassuring that the principal of Kingston College - which Adamo attends - states that part of the College's self-imposed duties is to "ensure students are educated on crime related issues". I bet his students could "educate" him rather more thoroughly.

  3. Adamo Kizey, you say?
    The very same Adamo Kizey of no particular appearance?

  4. Such "Nice, Normal People".....

  5. "I wonder what he was studying? "

    Business? Competition policy?

  6. A dissertation on 'The Art of War', perhaps?

    Naah, just another immigrant-stock thug with a penchant for drug-dealing.

    40 lashes and 10 years should do the trick. In a prison on the Ascension Islands.

  7. I'm guessing Adamo Kizey is NOT described as white, 18-20, thin, 5ft 7in, pale

  8. Ah, Miami Vice, that takes me back.

    My bet is on Piece, sorry, Peace Studies.

  9. I just find it so sad that young men of colour are over represented in the criminal justice system and then prison....something must be done...............................................................................................Did I just say that?

  10. Anonymous 17:41,

    The Prison Service is not some kind of haven of equal opportunities; I mean, you do have to commit usually numerous crimes to go there.

    Perhaps Blacks commit more crimes than Whites, or perhaps they are more stupid and get caught more often?

    'I can hear the chorus of execration now.' (Google it).

  11. "Another fine old British name."

    Indeed! For MTG and AC1, the link Umbongo provides comes with a mugshot.

    "Why the delay in sentencing? (To answer my own question) to let the bureaucracy of "tolerance" find that he is either too sensitive to be imprisoned or that prison would be inappropriate since, although he is apparently a drug dealer, he is highly regarded at his place of "education" and by his local community."

    You might say that. I couldn't possibly comment... ;)

    Perhaps the CPS were attempting a Tomlinson Manoeuvre?

    "Ah, Miami Vice, that takes me back."

    I picked up the first couple of series on DVD a few months ago. Keep meaning to find the time to watch them all again...
