Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Scientist Proposes, The Bureaucrat Disposes…

Stocking up on vitamin D supplements and enjoying the summer sun could cut the risk of a host of diseases.

An Oxford University study has linked the vitamin, which is made when our skin is exposed to sunlight, to the activity of more than 200 genes in the body.

Some of these genes are already known to raise the odds of multiple sclerosis, diabetes, arthritis, dementia and some cancers.

Boosting levels of the vitamin could keep illness at bay, said the researchers.
Hurrah! Finally, science works for us!
Expert Sreeram Ramagopalan recommends 50 micrograms a day - the equivalent of ten multi-vitamin pills.
Hmm, might be a bit expensive. Is there a cheaper option?
Britons should also make the most of the summer sun by sunbathing-without sunscreen for 15 to 20 minutes a day.

A free source of a health-giving substance. What could be better? There’s no way the government could possibly cock this u…

Oh. Wait:
Government scientific advisors are looking for ways to boost levels, with options including fortifying milk and other foods.
Oh, fantastic! It’s going to be the fluoride in water/folic acid in bread ‘resolution’ all over again, isn’t it?

They just can’t help themselves, can they?

We will now have the Righteous clamouring for another additive to all our food so that Mr Kamil from No. 26 can still swathe his wife and daughters in yards of cloth when out in public, and Ms Cholmondly-Warner at No. 84 can still ensure that little Arabella slaps on the Factor 5000 sunblock before setting foot out in the garden on sunny days….


  1. This news throws into disarray my risk assessment for staying indoors until noon.

    It is irresponsible of government to deny me a Vitamin Advisory Board stuffed to the gunnels with precautionary pill quangos.

  2. "It is irresponsible of government to deny me a Vitamin Advisory Board stuffed to the gunnels with precautionary pill quangos."

    I await the inevitable pressure groups with trepidation...
