Tuesday, 3 August 2010

This Is Why...

...clotheshorses should be seen and not heard:
Gisele Bundchen, the Brazilian supermodel, has called for mothers to be forced to breastfeed for the first six months of their baby's life.
And that'd work how, exactly?

'Excuse me, ma'am, Titty Police. I see you have a baby. Any bottles on you? Gonna need to see if you're lactating, so flash 'em, honey, or it's the cells. Your choice...'

Mind you, you'd not be short of volunteers, would you?
The 30-year-old, who lives in the US, risked controversy...
Ya think?!?
..by saying there should be a law preventing mothers from using formula milk.
Oh, and in case you're thinking 'Well, she live in the States, and they're all crazy there. Some state might try it, after all, but it's still the US. So why should we worry?' think again. Her ambitions go further:
"I think there should be a worldwide law, in my opinion, that mothers should breastfeed their babies for six months."

And, you know, this casual demand for 'something to be done' about the bee you have in your own (admittedly designer) bonnet is what is fuelling civil liberties nightmares such as those outlined by Leg-Iron and Dick Puddlecote, among others.

It's bad enough already, without giving them ideas...


  1. I hereby volunteer to enforce this requirement on Ms Bundchen when the occasion next arises. We've all got to do our bit for the Big Society...

  2. Ah ! another expert underwear model.

  3. I'll put £10 on Bill Clinton becoming the UN High Commissioner for Breasts.

  4. Giselle is beyond parody!

    ...Benjamin Brady, poor thing, was only breastfed for three weeks.

    “I probably should have persevered a bit longer than three weeks,” the United Nations earth mother told HB. “But I can’t be sitting in Starbucks and breastfeeding because they (photographers) are taking pictures.”...


    /implied facepalm

  5. Does this mean that any woman walking around with an unused boob will have a toddler strapped to it by the Booby Bobbies?

    They'd have a truckload of howling infants ready to stick, leech-like, to any passing wench.

    It's a good incentive for any man with moobs to slim down quick!

  6. "We've all got to do our bit for the Big Society..."

    You're so selfless, Mr E, to take one for the tem like that... ;)

    "I'll put £10 on Bill Clinton becoming the UN High Commissioner for Breasts."

    That'll test his heart op recovery!

    "Giselle is beyond parody!"

    And sompletely un-self-aware, it seems.

    "It's a good incentive for any man with moobs to slim down quick!"

    Well, quite! You just know science is working on overcoming one of the obvious problems, don't you?

  7. Have you seen the Daily Mash's unique take on this.

  8. I was going to blog this now I'm back but there's really nothing much to add beyond some chauvinistic stuff about there being a reason her job involves walking up and down with her mouth shut. Actually with the title and first line I think you covered that too.
