Sunday 8 August 2010


Marie Stopes International offers employees, their partners and children free abortions as part of its benefits package - which also includes cheap gym membership, reduced rates at theme parks and an annual health check for £10.
What next? Free euthanasia if you work for these people?


  1. Free euthanasia sounds good when the pain gets bad enough to force me out to the pub Julia. Where do I sign up?
    What next though? Secondary schools offering free morning after pills, safe sex suits and pelvic exercising?

    Given modern technologies, shouldn't Stopes now rather frown on abortion? Given we can now mutually fornicate to exhaustion and blindness with no chance of procreation?

  2. Captain Haddock8 August 2010 at 17:36

    A great pity that Marie Stopes International isn't doing more in Africa & on the Indian Subcontinent ..

    Perhaps those Continents could then begin to feed themselves, instead of shagging themselves senseless & exporting their excess numbers to the Western world ..

  3. I'm just stunned by that. No further words come through the keyboard.

  4. Does this mean that support for abortion will eventually evolve out?

  5. Er..."children"???

    I've always felt that a woman's reproductive system should be her own to do with as she pleases, just as it is with her liver or her right elbow or her hairdo, and I'm also all for employers and employees sorting out the Ts&Cs of employment, including any benefits, between themselves. But seriously, abortions for children? WTF? I suppose with what I've just said it's up to them but still, yeurgh.

    Anon, I'm sure I've heard of a secondary school offering creche facilities so probably somewhere there is a school doing pills and pelvic exercises. Not sure what a safe sex suit is. Full body condom?

    "What next? Free euthanasia if you work for these people?"

    I'd sign up for that except that it's still legally iffy in most jurisdictions. I'd rather go out on a cloud of pure medical grade fluffiness than the current alternative, which would probably involve some poor bastards having to remove what's left of my head from the walls.

  6. "Given modern technologies, shouldn't Stopes now rather frown on abortion? Given we can now mutually fornicate to exhaustion and blindness with no chance of procreation?"

    You'd think, wouldn't you? But most of those methods take effort.

    Plus there's the age-old dilemma - make anything available - and 'free' - and expect more of it.

    "A great pity that Marie Stopes International isn't doing more in Africa & on the Indian Subcontinent..."

    One modern idea we haven't managed to export, it seems...

    "I'm just stunned by that."

    It's pretty breathtaking, isn't it?

    "Does this mean that support for abortion will eventually evolve out?"

    Unlikely. It seems to be spreading!


    I'm guessing there are those who joined Marie Stopes AFTER realising how much better their lives would be if they could remove any responsibility for themselves...

  7. And I thought the States were leaders in flexible benefits packages. Great Britain has led the way in being patriarchal in work benefits other than salary and this social engineering project has always been met with 'show me the money' in negotiations for contractual obligations of work with me.
    Work - a required effort in exchange for money, when did this concept get lost? Offering a free abortion or any other employee discount is simply an offer not an order. The only people likely to have a genuine issue with this benefit are homosexuals but then they are already protected like women and children in law so this perhaps goes someway in redressing the balance by offering them something that they would only find useful if donated to a hetro family member or friend.
    My ex-wife used to tell me she would not work for a tobacco or a diamond company on principal and I defended her position of principal as her husband. As a nobody to me now the principal bit seems more laudable than the targets. After all even charities and religious organisations have done evil things and while tobacco is bad for our health its how expensive smoking is that I object to.

  8. My ex-wife used to tell me she would not work for a tobacco or a diamond company on principal

    Raises an interesting point, both about the Ex-Wife, and the article in general. How does it sit with your dole office if you refuse a position "out of principal"?

    Here tough, they treat it the same as any other "refused job offer" and take 33% of the money away for a first refusal, and ALL of it, including rent payments for three months for a second.

  9. she had me to pay her dole money for a while, lol

  10. I'm guessing she's got some other misguided, loved up individual to support her convictions now.

  11. FOr the love of God, its principle.
