Saturday 30 October 2010

Another Blogging Legend Decamps To The Elysian Fields...

This year has seen some exceptional and inspirational bloggers throw in the towel permanently and it seems the year isn't over yet, as Mr Eugenides is hanging up the keyboard.

It seems the coalition, while ultimately likely to disappoint, is just not as hateful as NuLabour, an outlook I can certainly agree with:
"In as far as I owe you anything, it is, I would say, not to confect outrage over things which don't really upset me, not to try and find hate where none exists. I'm in a more placid place, and I think that the country's got at least a fair chance of becoming a better place with that horrendous shower out in the cold; and that's as good a place as any to leave it."
What can I say that Devil's Kitchen hasn't already said or Leg-Iron expressed in song? We will, indeed, not see his like again.

Fare thee well, so long, and thanks for all the fish bile...


  1. Give the coalition a couple of years and politicians being politicians, he might come back.

    As it is, there's still loads to get angry about.

  2. I agree we are in a better place without the awfulness that was Labour in power. However we still have an EU and a "Dunkirk" to recover from.

  3. Don't you get any ideas about retiring, Julia!
