Friday 29 October 2010

Best NIMBY Excuse Evah!

Angry residents have started a campaign to stop a house being turned into a nursery because they fear it will attract paedophiles.
Mum-of-two Natalie Rooney, aged 30, said: “We think there will be traffic problems because of all the parents dropping off and picking up their children.
“We think there will be noise problems because the children will be playing outdoors.
OK. Yes, those are all valid concerns…
“We are also worried that paedophiles will be attracted to the area to be close to the nursery.”

Aaaaaand that one certainly isn’t!

Of course, these days, they are just as likely to be working in the nursery!


  1. Crackerjack!

    She must be taking the piss? I mean is the nursery where her children go a pedo magnet? Surely there should be no nurseries anyway by this logic?


  2. It is amazing what a nuisance people dropping kids off at school can be. On the logic this complaint exemplifies, it seems fair for the only alternative plan for the premises to be use as a crack house.

  3. It is amazing what a nuisance people dropping kids off at school can be

    Is that intended as irony? Because people dropping kids off at school really is a nuisance - ask anyone who lives near a school. From my experience, people dropping kids off at school seem to be amongst the most selfish and least skilful drivers on the road.

  4. @ KenS - I totally agree, we suffer the daily blight of our cul-de-sac becoming overflow parking since a new infants school opened recently. The antics of some of these parents would make a good YouTube clip....

    However I would naturally be accused of paedophilia, were I to risk filming such activities.

    Make them walk to school, like wot I did...

  5. The amazing thing about parents taking their kids to school by car is that almost all of them I have seen appear to have lost the use of their legs. They park so close to the school -- double parking, on the pavement, at crazy angles on corners -- that some of us who live near schools find it hard to believe they can't walk more than ten yards.

    And the number of parents who let their kids out of the car on top the road and the stream of traffic is astonishing...

    However, pedos may be flattened by so much traffic, so perhaps no bad thing.

  6. Obviously people with children are paedophiles. Why else would they bother?

  7. She must be taking the piss?""

    No, she does look like she's no brain surgeon. It's entirely possible she really believed this would be a killer argument.

    "It is amazing what a nuisance people dropping kids off at school can be."

    Oh, I know. You can tell when it's half-term even if you have no children - everything is suddenly so much easier, traffic disappears.

    And as KenS points out, they are often the worst drivers on the road too!

    "Make them walk to school, like wot I did..."

    Oh, you and anon at 13:09 are going to love the post I have queued up for Tuesday... ;)

    "And the number of parents who let their kids out of the car on top the road and the stream of traffic is astonishing..."

    Yes, that's particularly ironic, given they ostensibly do it to keep them 'safe'...

  8. I just thought , what a great way to advertise your fear of d'pedos

    Get a photo of your small children in the local paper, standing in the street where they live.

  9. "Oh, you and anon at 13:09 are going to love the post I have queued up for Tuesday... ;)"

    I look forward to it - after loosing yet another blogger I am feeling rather downhearted.

  10. "I just thought , what a great way to advertise your fear of d'pedos

    Get a photo of your small children in the local paper, standing in the street where they live."

    It's that '15 minutes of fame' stuff again...

  11. Well surely this is a great argument for paedophiles to farm their own. After all, I think we all know the reason why Tom and Barbara Good started a smallholding in their back garden in 'The Good Life' was solely to have lascivious knowledge of root vegetables.

    But seriously, though, what sort of a distorted mind does one have to have such that the most prominent reaction to the establishment of a child-care facility is that it's going to be a delicatessen for kiddly-fiddlers? This sounds like a classic case of projection, and that in turn doesn't make you sound like the heroes of the piece, objectors. It's like the Mohammedan fanatics who think every woman needs to be draped in a pup-tent lest us libidinous males leap on her like a lion on a gazelle. Yeah, thanks for nothing, you creeps. I have actually achieved a level of socialisation where I can see a woman in a mini-skirt without wanting to rape her, and if you lot can't, it's not her fault, it's your fault, and the fault of that pederastic Bedouin schizophrenic you claim wrote your 'holy' book.

  12. "But seriously, though, what sort of a distorted mind does one have to have such that the most prominent reaction to the establishment of a child-care facility is that it's going to be a delicatessen for kiddly-fiddlers?"

    One who believes everything she reads in the papers, despite the evidence pointing to close family relations and step-parents as being the biggest threat...
