Friday, 1 October 2010

Better Check That Prescription Carefully Next Time You Go To The Chemists…

…because, thanks to Harriet Harmperson, in future you may get something you didn’t bargain for:

The Equality Act will make it easier for staff to claim they were discriminated against because of a disability. This is because they no longer have to prove they were treated less favourably than non-disabled colleagues.

It is expected to lead to discrimination claims from dyslexic workers who have been barred from carrying out certain tasks because of their tendency to make spelling mistakes.



  1. Waht fo a laod tsoh.

  2. Heh. That was my first thought as well, closely followed by the hope that any new air traffic control software we need is coming from abroad.

  3. I wonder just how long it will be before some Pharmacy somewhere gets sued beause a numerically "challenged" employee dispensed the incorrect (potentially fatal) quantity of drugs ? ..

  4. the unintended consequences of this will be legendary

  5. This has got to be a joke right? Right?

    As Jasper Carrott once said, he'd long since given up telling jokes about dyslexics. The letters he used to get…

  6. Where American Leftards lead, Euroleftards follow. In the current instance, we find it illegal to employ drivers subject to epileptic fits, and also illegal not to employ them. See here for more...

  7. What the fuck did the idiot Cobbleition go through with Harperson's pet project for? Just further evidence that the change of government wasn't that much of a change after all.

  8. ”Waht fo a laod tsoh.”


    ”...closely followed by the hope that any new air traffic control software we need is coming from abroad.”

    Oooh, yes! There's lots of potential minefields here.

    ”I wonder just how long it will be before some Pharmacy somewhere gets sued beause a numerically "challenged" employee dispensed the incorrect (potentially fatal) quantity of drugs ?”

    Quite! Dyslexia does affect numbers too, doesn't it?

    ”the unintended consequences of this will be legendary”

    Oh, I think we can't yet begin to see the potential pitfalls.

    ”As Jasper Carrott once said, he'd long since given up telling jokes about dyslexics. The letters he used to get…”


    ”Where American Leftards lead, Euroleftards follow. ”

    We never seem to import any of their good ideas, though, do we? Like gun ownership and federally-protected free speech...

    ”What the fuck did the idiot Cobbleition go through with Harperson's pet project for? ”

    Because this is yet another case of 'meet the new boss, very little difference from the old boss'..?

  9. "As Jasper Carrott once said, he'd long since given up telling jokes about dyslexics. The letters he used to get…"
