Sunday 17 October 2010

Blogroll Update

In: Welcoming new blogs Fuel Injected Moose and Make It Stop, plus A Nest of Procyon Lotor.

Out: Sadly losing Anna Raccoon, who has given up blogging (as recounted here and here) and sadly deleted her blog, so is unable to even make an appearance in Blog Valhalla.

Shaking it all about: Obo The Clown, who gave up, and came back...


  1. Was very sorry to see Anna go, especially the way she did.

    It is now clear she was being caused a lot of grief by various idiots. I wish she could have talked about it, maybe people could have helped her in the way her posts helped so many others.

    In any case a great loss and will be sadly missed.

  2. Anna Raccoon is a huge loss - her reasons for ending are entirely understandable. I hope that she recovers and is well again soon.
    Hashimoto Disease is really nasty but I looked it up and it’s treatable. Pity some on-line oxygen thieves decided to end her superb blog.
    As you say, Obo’s back from the grave (and as mellow and gentle as ever) and that’s got to be good. It seems to me that even if the forces of evil occasionally silence one voice, there are plenty more ready and willing to speak out.


    ‘For the first time, they will be given lists of sex offenders living on their patch so they can monitor them on a daily basis’.

    ‘And their radios will be fitted with global positioning systems so control rooms will know exactly where they are’.

    We have been doing this in WILTSHIRE for years.

    It’s just the old ‘beat crime unit’ model with a new name.

    All pointless when the Courts won’t send anyone down and ‘detections’ will soon suffer and they’ll all scuttle back to the offices to sort it out.

  4. Will 'To Miss with Love' get a place on your roll of honour?

  5. "It is now clear she was being caused a lot of grief by various idiots."

    So it seems. Mindless little trolls...

    "It seems to me that even if the forces of evil occasionally silence one voice, there are plenty more ready and willing to speak out."

    Long may it continue!

    "All pointless when the Courts won’t send anyone down..."

    Agreed, they are more than culpable in the problems of the justice system.

    "Will 'To Miss with Love' get a place on your roll of honour?"

    It would, but sadly, like the bulk of Anna's web work, it's been removed...

  6. Anna produced one of the most illuminating posts I've read in ages a couple of months ago, when she recalled how life was lived in the Luftwaffe-scarred environs of Walworth in the 1960s. (The Aylesbury estate, which replaced those bulldozed streets, is now itself facing the swinging ball of the demolition contractors).

    The demise of her blog is a great loss. Get well soon Anna, if you happen to read this- you are sorely missed.
