Thursday 21 October 2010

Council In ‘Massive Hypocrites!’ Shock *Yawn*

Oh, Leg-Iron and Dick Puddlecote are going to love this one...
A council with one of London's strongest anti-smoking policies has bowed to pressure to reveal nearly £1.5 million it invests in tobacco firms.
The council is thought to have been the first in Britain to ban smokers from becoming foster parents, while the borough's NHS primary care trust runs a website to help residents quit.

And all those Righteous who were right behind them are giving them cover and cutting them some slack and...

Nah, I'm just kidding. They have turned on them like starving pitbulls. There may be honour and even loyalty among thieves, but these are far, far worse than thieves...
The Royal College of Physicians condemned Redbridge council today for failing to “encourage investment policies that are consistent with protecting children”.


  1. Yay! Goody-two-shoes with egg on faces and nicotine on fingers!

  2. I see the point when they legalise pot to raise tax and I get nicked for possession of tobacco.

  3. And its a tory council...

  4. Oh, yes. Righteousness is a cancer in ALL political parties. It's by no means a left-wing phenomenon...
