Friday 15 October 2010

Don't Count On Getting A Jury Full Of People Like Kevin Wallis, 'Guardian'...

So, the 'Guardian' takes out a front-page onion for a failed asylum seeker who died as he was being restrained on an aircraft:
The wording was echoed by the Home Office, which said Mubenga had "taken ill" – but Wallis, who described having the clearest view of any passenger on the aircraft, said that account was "absolute rubbish".

The 58-year-old, an oil engineer from Redcar, said he became aware a man was in distress as soon as he boarded BA flight 77, bound for Luanda, at around 8pm.
It appears, though, if we sort through Kevin's bleeding-heart account, that any distress he was in was caused by his own actions:
He said Mubenga had been trying to get up, saying: "I don't want to go", adding: "They must have been forcing him down, because I didn't realise until afterwards that he was handcuffed."
Despite the attempts to drum up an impression of public horror with this sort of thing (check out the description given of the paramedics actions by our Kev), I think the 'Guardian' has an uphill battle on its hands:
The engineer added...most of the passengers were not concerned.
Most of those passengers are probably totally fed-up with seeing failed asylum seekers use this sort of trick to halt their deportation. I certainly am.

And, 'Guardian', don't count on a prosecution of these guards either - juries have already shown themselves to be less than sympathetic with people whose own law-breaking leads to their death in cases like this one....

Update: Blimey, it's clearly a plane full to the brim with 'Guardian' readers:
The witness – the third to come forward in the last 24 hours – raised questions over how quickly Jimmy Mubenga was given medical assistance after he lost consciousness on the flight to Angola…."For the rest of the my life I'm always going to have that at the back of my mind – could I have done something? That is going to bother me every time I go to sleep," the witness, an oil worker who gave his name as Michael, said…An engineer who works Angola's rich oilfields alongside other western expatriates, Michael said Mubenga's death spoke to hypocrisy in global border control. "You have got a man deported from over there. Did you ever stop to think how many British are over here, making £400 or £500 a day in Angola?"


  1. So what are they supposed to do when an asylum seeker struggles and refuses to go?

    In some cases, unfortunately a certain amount of force has to be used.

    These people have to realise they have no right to be in the UK.

    "UP TO 2,000 failed asylum seekers are being allowed to stay in the UK every week thanks to a “back-door amnesty”.

    Alarming figures revealed last night that the policy has so far allowed more than 135,000 to legally take up residence". Daily Express

    It is hardly fair when we are granting some asylum and not others. We know by the "X Factor" story, that they will lie and try anything not to leave the UK.

    They don't get all those lovely benefits and preferential treatment in their home countries!

    Imagine how much money the taxpayer could save if we could just give "leave to stay" to those whose lives are really in danger, instead of being a dumping ground for the world's feckless migrants.

  2. ""Did you ever stop to think how many British are over here, making £400 or £500 a day in Angola?""

    What a muppet. Those poeple are there because Angola needs British engineering expertise in its oil industry.

    Our rafts of immigrants are not over here making money, they're taking it from the taxpayers.

  3. How long has suicide been back on the Statute Books as a crime then ?

    If he hadn't tried to enter UK illegally .. he wouldn't have been on that plane in the first place ..

    Therefore he caused his own death ..

  4. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  5. "These people have to realise they have no right to be in the UK."

    Indeed. It's not like we hadn't given him every opportunity to plead his case; he'd exhausted all his appeals.

    Sadly, they do this sort of thing because often, it works...

    "What a muppet. Those poeple are there because Angola needs British engineering expertise in its oil industry."

    Quite! And if everyone with any kind of 'get up and go' leaves a country, is it not ALWAYS destined to be a basket case?

  6. I hate seeing people mistreated and will usually intervene. If this guy was this bad, he should have been sedated. We should not inflict unnecessary pain. If there was cruelty, it should be punished. We don't do that shit.
    This said, we should find Sue's 135,000 and boot them out painlessly too.

  7. I love the fact that people supposedly sat and did nothing. What were they meant to do? Start a revolutionary committee and force the 'authorities' to let the man stay in this country?

    I know in the leftoid world there are popular uprisings galore and they all are perfectly in tune with humanity and driven solely by just causes. But maybe in this case the peasant's revolt would not have achieved much apart from delaying their flight. (And I presume they wanted to fly sooner rather than later, or they would have booked another flight on a later day)

    Shame the man died, true. He could -- had he lived -- have gone back home and told all his mates not to try the illegal immigration thing, because it doesn't work all the time. Apparently most of us aren't as keen on it as the reds under the beds are.

  8. "If this guy was this bad, he should have been sedated."

    Can you imagine the furore if he had been? And while his death is regrettable, and if there are changes that need to me made to procedures then they should be made, I'm afraid his ultimate fate was in his own hands.

    He could, at any time, have left peacefully. Or not committed ABH and so still be here...
