Saturday 9 October 2010

I Never Thought I'd Say This...

...but well done, Birmingham!
Birmingham City Council will not renew its five-year contract with the UK Border Agency, meaning not a single immigrant will be granted asylum there by the public sector after June next year.
And three cheers for councillor John Lines, who is surely about to face a concerted attack by the left and their fellow travellers for this:
Cllr John Lines, who is in charge of housing, said the decision was made because of the rising numbers of homeless people in the city, and insisted it was "not to save money, not political and not racist".
And why, exactly, should he need to state that?
He said: "Hundreds of Brummies, hundreds of my people are in B&Bs instead of council-provided homes. Why should that be? My people have got to come first.

"The asylum seekers arrive here, they have a blooming family and they keep having children - it's a burden on the system.

"If people say I'm racist then I'd say we've got Brummies of all colours here, third or fourth generation Asians and blacks, but if you say I'm putting Birmingham people first, then, yes, I am."
Hopefully, it'll spread. There are signs of this already:
Wolverhampton council is understood to be ending its agreement with the Border Agency too.
It's not entirely good news, though. It's only good news for the council ratepayers of Birmingham. Income tax payers are still on the hook:
The UK Border Agency’s regional director for the Midlands and East of England, Gail Adams, said: “We’re disappointed by Birmingham City Council’s decision to withdraw from the West Midlands Consortium."

Asylum seekers could continue to come to the city but will have to live in privately rented accommodation, paid for by the Border Agency.
No. The Border Agency doesn't have any money.

Paid for by US....


  1. I think there is something wrong with me.

    Every single time I hear a politician, or a local council, or any government agency use that phrase "OUR money", I get enraged. I want to march up to them and punch them in the face and scream "NO! YOU don't have any money. It's all ours!".

    They don't earn anything, and they don't own anything. We earn it all, and we own it all.

    We need to re-educate them. And we need to do it now.


  2. "The asylum seekers arrive here, they have a blooming family and they keep having children - it's a burden on the system."

    Whereas if a Brummie on welfare has a baby, I just cannot wait to fund that little bastard.

    I even want a front row seat at the birth, so that I can watch the miracle happen.

    Yes, I cannot think of a single way this can go wrong. After all, who wouldn't put workless households (who are indigenous, which supposedly makes all the difference) over immigrants who are doing all of the work.

    Fairness is not about giving state handouts to people, nor is it about "putting your own people first". It is about rewarding the people who produce things in our society. I remember once listening to someone on Radio 4, who said that up to one third of London's Chinatown workers were illegals. They are the ones who should be rewarded.

    As comedian Doug Stanhope once said: "nationalism teaches you to hate people that you never met". It's about time it were smashed...

  3. It's all a bit irrelevant now. It's too little, too late. There are over a million illegal immigrants in the country. Everyone wants to be housed. The indigenous should come first, but I guess there aren't any left in Birmingistan.

    It would be the same if I went back to East London, I wouldn't stand a chance, even though as far back as I know, my family have lived and worked there.

  4. Why do Birmingham Council have a 'contract' with the Border Agency in the first place?
    Clearly it is more of the usual box-ticking to justify the 'equal and divers' laws compliance, and the ample bonus therefor.
    It also smacks of the UN trick, where a 'treaty' is created to advance an agenda. Nations then furiously sign this 'treaty with nobody' so they can then implement various repressive actions, and claim that their hands are tied under the treaty...

  5. Likewise the 'contracts' with the UK Borders agency are news to me; presumably they are used to ensure diversity and equality in allocating quotas of illegals around the country and so are, in effect, tools for internal exile?

    It might explain the fairly recent influx of foreign single jobless men with no apparent links to this part of the country who just wander around all day, on their own.

  6. "Every single time I hear a politician, or a local council, or any government agency use that phrase "OUR money", I get enraged. I want to march up to them and punch them in the face and scream "NO! YOU don't have any money. It's all ours!"."

    Me too!

    "Whereas if a Brummie on welfare has a baby, I just cannot wait to fund that little bastard."

    No, that's wrong too. But she's our countries responsibility, the hundreds of thousands of foreigners aren't...

    "Why do Birmingham Council have a 'contract' with the Border Agency in the first place?
    Clearly it is more of the usual box-ticking to justify the 'equal and divers' laws compliance, and the ample bonus therefor."

    I think you're probably spot on there.

    "It might explain the fairly recent influx of foreign single jobless men with no apparent links to this part of the country who just wander around all day, on their own."

    Yes, I've noticed that here too.
