Thursday 14 October 2010

I Thought ‘Men In Black’ Was Fiction…

…clearly, it was a documentary. There really are inhuman things driving around in realistic-looking human suits:

The driver stopped and got out and checked his vehicle for damage but when Josh pleaded for his help he got back in his vehicle and drove off.

The youngster was left with his dying animal in his arms

Sometimes, I wish I really believed in karma. Because there’s someone that could use a good dose of it.


  1. Very callous, and indicative that the driver may ave been driving carelessly or inconsiderately.

    However, now the accident has been publicised he'd be insane to come forward - the Police would probably come after him with the Road Traffic Act or the Mental Health Act.

    Maybe there are still latent prints etc on the bumper section left behind...

  2. You can see another version of the story here:

  3. Interesting comment left at the original source suggesting that the man may have been unwilling to take the risk of talking to a lone child without witnesses.

    Now, as Anon. points out, he's probably unlikely to come forward - unlike the man who ran down and killed a friend's dog and drove off, then wrote and sued her for damage to his car.

    Am I alone in finding the idea of a Facebook page to track him down a worrying one? It's a phenomenon on the increase - can lynch mobs be far behind?

  4. Maybe he was over the limit.
    Or stoned.

  5. If Mr. Plod ever shows up, he will be concerned to discover what the animal was. If a dog, he may engage public compassion mode and make a note in his pocketbook, but if a cat the 'nuffin I can do guv' mode.
    Maybe if there had been damage to the car, the bloke would have sued the kid for not taking proper care of the animal?
    Sounds like the kind of thing my MP would do.

  6. When this excuse for a man is named and shamed by the Press, let us not be surprised to learn he is a public official seeking perfection in the rest of us.

    What a disgusting individual and what a dreadful thing to do to a a small boy.

  7. This is more and more prevalent. Everyone to himself.

  8. "The utter, utter bastard!"

    Quite. It sounds as though he couldn't have avoided the accident, but to then drive away without a word...

    "Maybe there are still latent prints etc on the bumper section left behind..."

    I wonder if the police have even bothered to check?

    "Interesting comment left at the original source suggesting that the man may have been unwilling to take the risk of talking to a lone child without witnesses."

    Maybe, but he could have sought help himself from another passer by. He didn't.

    I think this sort of rationalisation is normal - some people just don't like to admit that there walks among us such creatures...

    "Am I alone in finding the idea of a Facebook page to track him down a worrying one? It's a phenomenon on the increase - can lynch mobs be far behind?"

    It's inevitable when normal, decent people start to realise that the system ISN'T working for them.

    "Sounds like the kind of thing my MP would do."

    And then claim repairs to the car on the taxpayer!

    "...let us not be surprised to learn he is a public official seeking perfection in the rest of us."

    At this moment, nothing would surprise me! As James points out, this attitude is becoming more and more prevalent...

  9. Having been the victim of a hit and run myself, dare I suggest an uninsured foreigner with no licence to drive here? I know 3 people who have had the same problem with these bastards. Even when the plod get the car details they find that its parked outside a house of 17 unemployed Pakistanis and no-one will 'fess up to owning it.

    And we wonder why car insurance is going through the roof? I reckon all NuLab voters should pay for my insurance premium increases. You voted for mass immigration and gave them so many rights they have bugger all respect for the law.

  10. "Having been the victim of a hit and run myself, dare I suggest an uninsured foreigner with no licence to drive here? "

    It's certainly possible.
