Thursday 28 October 2010

"I've got a little list..."

"...and they'd none of them be missed!"
Nasa is planning an audacious mission to send a manned spacecraft on a one-way trip to permanently settle on other planets.
Answers on a postcard.


  1. I'd chip in a fiver to send Yazzer.

  2. Please may I volunteer all the druggie chavs in my town as prospective settlers ?

  3. I think you should sign up. Nay, you should be forced to go. If only.

  4. Why are you lot volunteering other people. I want to go!
    Where do I sign up?

  5. Do you have room for 650 more?

  6. Diane Abbott.

    "West Indian Mums will go to the moon for their kids".

    And anyone who comments anonymously in order to slag off the blogger.

  7. I reckon we should send all those warmist scientists so that they can study a rich CO2 atmosphere at first hand and explain why it's so bloody cold on Mars.

  8. Fly me to the moon28 October 2010 at 10:46

    I am afraid we could not build a spaceship big enough to contain all the malcontents, religious nuts, violent cretins and various dregs of our society.

    And I utterly refute the scurrilous suggestion made in some quarters that the flying instructions should be in Arabic.

  9. I have to agree with Bucko - I want to go!

    It would appear that everyone else has lost any sense of adventure - most probably caused by being nannied for the last umpteen years.

  10. Ivan - I'm happy to split the petrol. We'll have to pack plenty of booze and pringles.

  11. ahhh, time to load the b-ark!!

  12. Think about this creatively.

    When they arrive, there will be no established hierarchy, and severely limited resources. The settlers will have to co-operate and share the available resources equally.

    At the same time, there will be huge hurdles to overcome, and a massive effort will have to be put in by all. Everyone will have to pull their weight, and there may well not be enough to go round and also provide for bonuses, incentives and the like.

    In short, they are going to have to work as a community, with everyone putting in according to their ability and taking only according to their need.

    Of course, we all know that the above is utter rubbish, but this is a once-in-history chance to persuade every last lefty to bugger off voluntarily and leave us in peace to get on with some work.


  13. I suggest sending them everyone in Woking.

  14. "I think you should sign up. Nay, you should be forced to go. "

    I'm a little old to colonise a new world. Besides, I haven't lost all hope for this one. Yet.

    "Diane Abbott.

    "West Indian Mums will go to the moon for their kids"."

    Heh! :D

    "I reckon we should send all those warmist scientists so that they can study a rich CO2 atmosphere at first hand and explain why it's so bloody cold on Mars."

    Now that would be amusing...

    "ahhh, time to load the b-ark!!"

    Spot on! Though patently has a point.. :)

  15. Anybody at all from the political class; just the thought of them having to work to feed themselves would make the cost worthwhile.
