Saturday 23 October 2010


Today's pointless juxtaposition of the day - front page of the online 'Indy':

I fail to see how one has any bearing on the other...


  1. Slightly off topic, but there's a well publicised picture of some graffiti with the words "Join City and you're dead".

    It gave me a faint glimpse of hope that education standards may be improving - I mean, when did you last see the correct spelling of YOUR being used in that context??

  2. @microdave: well spotted!

    Always that silver lining.

  3. Alex Ferguson probably wrote it.

  4. Wayne Rooney is good for the poor in Manchester, just think of all the prostitutes earning a pittance who he subsidises.

  5. I predict a future in which Christ's 64 foreskins, collected as a job lot from around the world, sell for less at an auction of religious memorabilia, than one meta-tarsal of a soccer divine.
    When I was 14 my elder brother had me stay with him when he worked in Madrid. We could get a good meal with wine for half-a-crown between us, but it cost £3 to get in to Real Madrid (about half the average weekly wage). Rooney isn't a patch on Puskas, but I can see tickets to watch him going up to £150. Perhaps they'll let unemployed Mancs get their UB40s stamped to enter e raffle to get one?

  6. "It gave me a faint glimpse of hope that education standards may be improving - I mean, when did you last see the correct spelling of YOUR being used in that context??"

    Good point!

    "Alex Ferguson probably wrote it."

    Lol! The graffiti, or the 'Indy' headline?

    "...just think of all the prostitutes earning a pittance who he subsidises."

    Another silver lining? ;)

    "Perhaps they'll let unemployed Mancs get their UB40s stamped to enter e raffle to get one?"

    There must come a point, surely, when they've priced themselves out of their natural market?


    who? What? No mention of OP guns involved I spose.

  8. "I fail to see how one has any bearing on the other..."

    Well, if Shrek junior is going to be paying £100k a week in tax, we can use it to keep on all those diversity officers instead of sacking them.
