Wednesday 13 October 2010

Soundtrack Retrospective: " Any of you boys seen an aircraft-carrier around here?"

This month’s film is Tony Scott’s ‘Top Gun’ (1986).

It came out in the height of summer here, I think, and being a fan of war machines that went ‘whooosh’, I had to go see it for the flying sequences. The fact it was also jam-packed full of tasty young men was just the cherry on the cake as far as...


Oh. Right. That. Yes, well, that little bit of film criticism came along a lot later..

The substitution of F-5s for the MiGs could be forgiven in the days of non-CGI, just as the substitution in other movies for equally good reasons has been.

Forever to be remembered for that theme song and smash hit by Berlin:

But it was crammed with plenty of other soft-rock favourites. In fact, so far, the only one of my soundtrack retrospectives which is not mostly instrumental. My personal favourite is this one:


  1. I am a fan of Danger Zone, but I have to say I thought Top Gun was pants.

  2. "The fact it was also jam-packed full of tasty young men was just the cherry on the cake"

    Lucky you - us men can't even hanker after Kelly McGillis anymore, as she has changed sides, so to speak.

    Boo Hoooo....

  3. I deeply suspect the film as American propaganda. The whole idea of turning lesbians into compliance with Bible shagging orders with a few whiffs of jet engine fuel is entirely unlikely.

  4. US Navy Warships ? .. total shite .. can't even get a can of beer .. and most of the larger ones have "ghettos" based on racial lines ..

    Which would never happen in the Royal Navy ..

  5. Tom Cruise, by Rich Hall

  6. Awesome film. The soundtrack was my first CD too.

  7. Tom...

    Though when it comes to soundtrack albums, I have to admit two of my favourites are by Queen: Highlander & Flash Gordon.

  8. "...I have to say I thought Top Gun was pants."

    It hasn't aged too badly. I watched it the other day.

    " men can't even hanker after Kelly McGillis anymore, as she has changed sides, so to speak."

    Oh, yes! That was a .. I was going to say 'queer affair', but I'll settle for 'rum do' :)

    "The whole idea of turning lesbians into compliance with Bible shagging orders with a few whiffs of jet engine fuel is entirely unlikely."

    Never underestimate the aphrodisiac effects of the uniform... ;)

    "...and most of the larger ones have "ghettos" based on racial lines ."

    Really? I'm surprised at that!

    "Tom Cruise, by Rich Hall"


    "The soundtrack was my first CD too. "

    I probably shouldn't admit this, but mine was Chris De Burgh's 'Into The Light'. I bought it to play on my first new CD stereo system...

    "Though when it comes to soundtrack albums, I have to admit two of my favourites are by Queen: Highlander & Flash Gordon."

    Me too.

  9. I didn't intend to watch that film when it came out but all the intellectuals started complaining about it so I changed my mind and went and saw it to spite them.
