Tuesday 26 October 2010

Yeah, I Don't Think He'll Be Coming Forward, Somehow...

Police are trying to trace a customer who barged past protesters who were glued to the doors of a bank.
And probably not to give him a medal, either. No matter what they say:
Detective Constable Rex Petty said: "The protesters' barrier prevented people leaving and disrupted the work of the bank, upsetting both staff and customers. The pair left after a customer barged past the couple, who unwittingly caused the protesters' skin to be left on the doorframe. I am keen to trace this man, as he may be able to provide further evidence. Anyone who was in the bank at the time of the offence who has yet to speak to us is urged to come forward."
'Further evidence', eh? Suuuure....

I expect that'll be a nice little collar for you for ABH, won't it?



    Thanks for this one, it's really made my day...

  2. ""who unwittingly caused the protesters' skin to be left on the doorframe""

    Well if he hadn't fucking glued himself to it......

  3. anaon took the laughter right out my mouth!

  4. "during the Smash EDO" ?? Whatever that campaign is, they obviously need to work harder to have their acronym established in the national brain. Or not.

    I suggest if they do catch up with the Palm Skinner of Brighton he plays victimhood poker - visual impairment should meet the case...

  5. caused the protesters' skin to be left on the doorframe"

    Wasn't it the glue that caused that?
    Give that barger a medal!

  6. Detective Constable Petty indeed...

  7. I'd have used my elbows.

  8. It was really self inflicted. the cops should be charging the two idiots with obstruction.

  9. "at the time of the offence" What bloody offence??? If the customer was being effectively detained against his or her will, the f***ing protesters should be the ones under threat of prosecution....

    If they are concerned at the loss of some skin they should have carried out a risk assessment first!

  10. Nothing to add that someone else hasn't said, but thanks for bringing us this news Julia. You really do scour the internet on our behalf!

  11. It's no skin off my nose.

  12. "anaon took the laughter right out my mouth!"


    "the cops should be charging the two idiots with obstruction."

    Perhaps the two protesters will try to sue THEM for not doing so, and thereby exposing them to risk? I'll lay in extra popcorn if that happens!

    "...thanks for bringing us this news Julia. You really do scour the internet on our behalf!"

    The local little papers do sometimes throw up the best material!

    "It's no skin off my nose."


  13. Well, it did happen in Brighton - Britain's version of Greenwich Village...
