Tuesday 23 November 2010

Clearly, Councils Are Doing Their Best To Employ The Disabled…

…because what else, other than an enthusiastic drive to recruit the partially-sighted explains this complaint from serial litigator, Pauline Scanlon?
She accused a colleague of putting his hand on her thigh, displaying a soft porn calendar in his office and calling her ‘babe’.
Check out the photo in that link. I’ll wait…
Mrs Scanlon has won four separate payouts after accusing employers of discrimination or sexual harassment.
Indeed, she seems to have made quite a career out of it. Literally:
Mrs Scanlon, who lives in Saltburn, North Yorkshire, with her retired husband, joined the council in October 2002 as its £25,000 a year equalities officer.

But she was sacked two years later for refusing to co-operate and for having a poor working relationship with colleagues.

She was accused of being an equalities ‘zealot’ and ‘unhelpful’.
There’s a shocker, eh?
During her decade of claims Mrs Scanlon does not appear to have stayed in one job for more than 26 months.
Well, indeed not. If you are a wise fisherman, you don’t carry on throwing the hook into the pool after you’ve caught all the big fish. You move on.
In a statement released by her union, Unison, Mrs Scanlon accused Redcar and Cleveland council of destroying her career.
So, she’s now out of wo…

Oh. Silly me. Of course she isn’t:
The 46-year-old, who now works for the Department for Work and Pensions
If I was their law department, I’d be sweating a bit now.

Well, until I remembered that it’s only taxpayer’s money, after all….


  1. "If I was their law department, I’d be sweating a bit now."

    They won't sweat. It's not their money, after all.

  2. Mere words cannot express the height and depth of my contempt...I try very hard not to get to the tipping point...sometimes though...sigh

  3. Obviously none of her recent employers asked questions about her job hopping or why she has moved around so much as an employment history like hers should scream leave alone to any potential employer.

  4. She's netted half a mill over ten years with her one trick pony stunt? What's her name again? Apauling Scamlots?

  5. And I thought that councils were parasitical...

  6. I would think the last time she was called 'babe' was when she was about 18 months old.

    Did she sue then? I hope so.

  7. I am thinking that the D.W.P. probably knew of her record of 'victim hood' and decided to give her the job for fear of being accused of and sued for every imaginable 'ism'.
    To misquote Herman Goering, 'Whenever I hear the word 'diversity' I reach for my baton....'

  8. I'm astonished at the number of slights this "poor" woman has been inflicted to in her working career in the public sector.

    I for one will be supporting her facebook campaign when she roots out some evildoing to her at the DWP.

    That'll be fucking shining bright...

  9. "Obviously none of her recent employers asked questions about her job hopping..."

    It's probably something else employers are forbidden to ask about...

    "I am thinking that the D.W.P. probably knew of her record of 'victim hood' and decided to give her the job for fear of being accused of and sued for every imaginable 'ism'. "

    Good point!

  10. Overheard this monstrosity talking in a pub, she was gloating about how much she would be getting. Her husband (who happens to be an ex union rep) was laughing along with her...disgusting.
