Sunday 28 November 2010

Sunday Funnies

Stop worrying! It's always the unexpected that does for you...


  1. Manhaz, brilliant link to an unexpected conclusion.

    I worked out, as I'm sure most of us did, that I'm far more likely to get run over by a bus than to suffer from terrorism and so don't worry about it.

    On causes of death, I know for a fact that A&E doctors compete on the humour mill to mis-asses causes of accidents to confuse the statisticians. Girl falls down the stairs when drunk becomes 'high heel breakage when dancing related injury'. Dunno whether Autopsy workers do the same.

  2. no mention of the NHS? if you want to get ill or dead spend a little time in any NHS hospital and there you go, terminal condition that you didn't have before your visit. my advice don't become a doctor or a nurse and definately stear clear of doctor's waiting rooms and hospitals if you want to live.

  3. I love cracked's articles, but this does miss the point slightly.

    Sure fireworks are more dangerous than terrorists, but then lots of fireworks are used by kids who think using an air bomb as a pretend light sabre is fun. The terrorists (often aka Religion of Peace) intend to kill as many as possible.

    The casual threats will always take out more people -- how else would people qualify for the Darwin Awards and remove their stupidity genes from the gene pool? -- but the wilful massacre of innocents to please some lunatic god is going to engage us more.

    Incidentally on the subject of killer cows, I once ran to escape a herd of cows in a field. The trouble is, the more you run the more they do... and they can do it faster. I am sure they were only curious, unless they were destined for halal-dom and were helping out the brothers.

  4. "On causes of death, I know for a fact that A&E doctors compete on the humour mill to mis-asses causes of accidents to confuse the statisticians. "

    Heh! Gotta do something to while away those graveyard shifts.. :)

    "Incidentally on the subject of killer cows, I once ran to escape a herd of cows in a field. The trouble is, the more you run the more they do..."

    And I thought it was only predators that did that!
