Monday, 1 November 2010

Weighty Issues

A quarter of children on a weight-loss programme quit the scheme early.
By lunchtime, presumably?
The sessions, which take place twice a week, were recently praised by the Audit Commission for their success rate in stabilising or reducing body fat of youngsters.
Which goes to show just how useless the Audit Commission is…
However, a quarter of those on the scheme have failed to finish.
Might just as well have poured the money down the drain.
Ian Duggan, of Leisure World, said: “It’s difficult because the families are busy. It’s a commitment to two sessions a week.

“However much help and guidance you give, time is a rare commodity. I don’t know if there are other things that can be done to help that. ”
I await the inevitable ‘let’s pay them to lose weight!’ suggestion….


  1. Morning Julia. You'll not have long to wait. Someone from some quango will put up shouting 'Pay 'em'. We already pay pupils to go to school so why not?

  2. "By lunchtime, presumably?"

    Oh so cruel, Julia.

  3. I'd rather the Audit Commission looked at the availability of some hard evidence that 'stabilising or reducing body fat of youngsters' is a desirable target for public money before issuing praise for the disbersing of such.

  4. By lunchtime, presumably?

    Heh. That's why I come by here every day. :-)

  5. "A quarter of children on a weight-loss programme quit the scheme early.

    By lunchtime, presumably?

    I was thinking it was by snackfast.

    This is the first meal of the day for many young folk. It begins as soon as they get up and extends through the rest of the morning, snacking endlessly on crisps, Doritios, choccy bars, sugary sweets and so on.

    Schools and colleges are full of snack dispensers, as it is so nutritious for school finances.

  6. "You'll not have long to wait. Someone from some quango will put up shouting 'Pay 'em'."

    Agreed! Sadly, it's bound to happen, even with today's supposedly-straitened times...

    "Oh so cruel, Julia."

    I have to let my cruel streak run wild in the blog. It causes problems in real life.. ;)

    "I'd rather the Audit Commission looked at the availability of some hard evidence..."

    Indeed - as far as I'm concerned, it's a matter for the kid, the parents and the GP. No-one else.

    But as usual, it's an employment opportunity.

    "That's why I come by here every day. :-)"

    Glad to be of service! :) If they keep serving up the soft ones, I'll keep knocking them to the back of the net...

    "It begins as soon as they get up and extends through the rest of the morning, snacking endlessly on crisps, Doritios, choccy bars, sugary sweets and so on."

    Snacking and grazing is actually quite a good idea, if you snack on the right things. Or have a non-sedentary job.

    Clearly though, those aren't...
