Wednesday 24 November 2010

Yeah, You're Definitely Making A Mistake, Recorder Thomas Ashe...

...I mean, how much more indication do you need?
A man who breached his Asbo when he swore at hospital staff has avoided jail.
The court heard Carey, of no fixed address, went to the hospital on September 30 and said he had injured his wrist.

He was known to security staff and they asked him if he had any alcohol on him. He handed them a bottle containing what looked like cider.
Could have been cider. Could have been....let's not go there.
He was told he would get it back when he left, as alcohol was banned in hospital buildings.

Carey was in casualty being treated by a doctor, who discharged him when he started swearing at her.

Security staff were called, but they had to restrain Carey before police arrived, after he became abusive over the cider bottle.
It seems he was known to more than just the police (some of the officers involved had a film crew from Channel Five TV show 'Police Interceptors' with them when Carey was arrested on an earlier occasion, so I've probably seen him...) and the hospital security staff:
A 12-month suspended sentence had been imposed on Carey after he was seen drunk in a park off Mill Road, Colchester, only a day after being released from jail for another breach of his Asbo.
And his penalty for this latest escapade?

Recorder Thomas Ashe QC told Carey he was giving him a final chance to change his ways.

He said: “I’m going to take a risk and I may be making a mistake. Prove me wrong.”
Shouldn't take him long, chum. Don't bother to get changed, is my advice. You'll be sitting again before you know it...


  1. I wonder now, whether all this kind of stuff is about keeping antisocial behaviour going. Is it an industry like a protection racket?

  2. Alcohol is banned is it? I wonder what is in those bottles of gel at the entrance to every ward? I wonder what gets rubbed on the skin before every injection? I wonder which reagent is used to dehydrate specimens for certain forms of microscopy? such sloppy use of language. Alcoholic drinks containing ethanol are banned I expect, not alcohol as alcohol covers a lot of different chemicals! Glycerol is an alcohol and I bet that isn't bannned.

  3. Why isn't it possible to get passive-aggressive saboteurs like this 'QC' sacked or even better, prosecuted for aiding and abetting serial criminals?

    Btw, do you guys notice that none of those judges, recorders and other assorted law benders ever gets caught for corruption? Do you really believe that those QCs are such saintly people that not ever *one* of them ever gets bribed?

  4. If we continue to imprison people who are simply drunk, even aggressively so, there won't be many left on a Monday morning.

    The Birch is the answer. Horribly effective.

  5. " Is it an industry like a protection racket?"

    It's beginning to look a lot like one.

    "Alcohol is banned is it? I wonder what is in those bottles of gel at the entrance to every ward?"

    Indeed! Didn't they have a problem a year of so ago with alcoholics stealing the stuff from hospitals to drink?

    "Btw, do you guys notice that none of those judges, recorders and other assorted law benders ever gets caught for corruption? "

    A statistical impossibility, if you examine any other professional group.

    "If we continue to imprison people who are simply drunk, even aggressively so, there won't be many left on a Monday morning."

    Far better to simply deny them treatment, and kick them out of the ER.

  6. only a day after being released from jail for another breach of his Asbo.

    Huh? He went to gaol for breaching an ....who IS this mythical beast? We must put him on a pedastel immediately!!! One of a kind so he is.
