Friday 31 December 2010

Absent Friends, And New Ones...

So, as 2010 draws to a close, time to look at the blogroll.

Sadly, this year some huge blogs decided to throw in the towel. Letters from a Tory was the first, followed by Constantly Furious and then Mr Eugenides, who is still commenting and Tweeting.

To Miss With Love closed down when Katharine Birbalsingh outed herself in a storming performance at the Tory party conference, but happily, she now blogs for the Telegraph under her own name.

Other blogs went quiet, hardly updated at all since the supposed 'change of government'. Others considered throwing in the towel, but reconsidered.

And then we had new blogs springing up or coming to prominence to re-inflate my sadly depleted blogroll; long-time commenter Woman on a Raft, Fuel Injected Moose, The Grim Reaper and Going Fast, Getting Nowhere.

So the toast, as we see out 2010, is 'Absent friends! And new ones...'


  1. You're my second highest referrer, according to my blog statistics. The only blogger who sends more traffic my way at the moment is Captain Ranty Freeman.

    I notice that this blog continues and the quality remains as high as it ever has been. Here's hoping for another year of only the sort of insight and views that Ambush Predator provides.

  2. There are some blogs I read because they are worthy and I feel I ought to, and some I read because I'd feel 'behind the curve' if I didn't, but this one I read because it never fails to entertain, amuse and outrage in equal measure. Thank you for the link, Julia; I am honoured!

  3. The Mind humbly wonders if you will consider including his small blogging endeavours to your roll? Have a wonderful New Year!

  4. I've just severely culled my blogrolls - it's difficult getting round to everybody.

  5. Aaagh! I've been putting off the blogroll-sorting job for weeks.

    First you show a picture of your desk on which you can actualy see some desk (I wouldn't dare photograph mine, I can only just see the monitor) and now you're sorting the blogroll.

    You're putting me to shame. Although sorting the blogroll is probably far easier than tidying the desk, so that will get done first.

    Just... not today.

  6. Max Farquar looks promising:

    And keep pounding away at that keyboard, Julia!

    I expect I'll still be around next year, spouting my usual rubbish...

  7. This is an interesting post because it inadvertently addresses something that's been rattling around in my brain lately - it's rare to see my fellow conspiracy theorists (or alternative media journalists, whichever you prefer) using their birth names at the end of their original articles.

    Sometimes I think "anonymous" can be beautiful - when donating to charity, for example - but I think that using a pseudonym to "speak truth to power" might set a bad example for readers. Or maybe I'm wrong - after all, George Orwell was a pseudonym (but then again, he was a public figure and everyone knew his real name).

    Sorry for the ramble, and I'm not speaking to anyone here in particular, but this topic has just been on my mind lately and this post brought it right to the front of my thoughts.

  8. RoD: Good question. I won't post anywhere anonymously, as I regard that as cowardice or laziness. But equally, I don't want everyone knowing my name, address, telephone number and shoe size. There are too many nutters out there, and if you want to speak freely about certain topics (OK, religious issues concerning a certain religion) you need a measure of protection. Anyone who wants to can trace me to my profile, which has my name, contact details and general location, but that's it. Oh, and a link to 18 months' worth of blog posts which demonstrate i am a real person. You want more than that, email me. But as for keyboard warriors who post vile or incendiary stuff and then hide behind 'Anonymous' - pfft.

  9. Thanks for the links. I've cheated on the desktop meme as I'm away from base.

    Irritatingly, I've also got either a camera problem or a software problem or - worst case - a port problem on the laptop as it just won't read the pictures from the camera. I've got a stack of pictures which I froze my toes off to get, now I can't upload them. Bah.

  10. I expect I'll still be around next year, spouting my usual rubbish...

    Very rarely rubbish, microdave. You might well be the best blogger who doesn't actually blog. :-)

  11. "You're my second highest referrer, according to my blog statistics."

    Really? Gosh! I must check out the stats on my blog someday...

    "...this one I read because it never fails to entertain, amuse and outrage in equal measure."

    Let's hope I can keep it up for another year then! :)

    "Aaagh! I've been putting off the blogroll-sorting job for weeks."

    I did too, but the holiday ennui caught up with me at last.

    "'s rare to see my fellow conspiracy theorists (or alternative media journalists, whichever you prefer) using their birth names at the end of their original articles."

    I can understand why some people don't - as Richard points out, it can be useful, and sensible, to keep your blogging and working life separate, especially in today's 'if I take offence, I feel entitled to get the police involved' culture.

    But we are never truly anonymous to the state, should they desire to know...

  12. "...I've also got either a camera problem or a software problem or - worst case - a port problem on the laptop as it just won't read the pictures from the camera. I've got a stack of pictures which I froze my toes off to get, now I can't upload them. Bah."

    That's a pain.

    Can you upload the camera's memory chip to something else (some modern printer/scanners have slots for them)?

    "Very rarely rubbish, microdave. You might well be the best blogger who doesn't actually blog. :-)"

    Sounds like a challenge, eh? ;)

  13. "Sounds like a challenge, eh? ;)" - What you mean I've got to try even harder to spout rubbish???

    @ WoaR - are you trying to use a built in card reader, or a separate USB adaptor?

    It's not unknown for USB ports to go AWOL, or to simply play up. If you're using Windows look in "Device Manager" to see if there are any red marks against one of the ports. If so it can often be restored by right clicking and uninstalling it, and then rebooting the PC. This should force Windows to find the correct driver and reinstall it.

    If it's a Mac then you must be suffering hallucinations - everybody knows that Mac's NEVER go wrong....
