Tuesday 21 December 2010

Graphic Design FAIL!

Seen on the Tube, aimed at commuters, an advert for a company that insures you against loss of your precious gadget:

So, OK, I can clearly make out an iPod, iPad, mobile phone, laptop, camera, and...

OK, I'm stumped. What's the one second from the left supposed to be? It looks like a controller for an X-Box or Playstation, but surely no-one's taking TVs on the Tube with them, are they?

And if it's meant to be a hand-held console, someone needs to look a bit more closely at the 'Argos' catalogue before putting pen to paper (or mouse to Photoshop)...


  1. It's certainly not a sat nav Julia. What about a pair of those 3D specs?

  2. Is it a mask for a three-eyed Lone Ranger ? ... Lol

  3. X-box controllers work with some PC games. They come in wireless and usb form. You're maybe just not keeping up with the youth of the day Julia. This said, Haddock may prove to be on the mark after reports of hold-ups thwarted by a three-eyed man on a white horse firing silver bullets. I note they don't insure Glock subcompacts, the essential gadget for train rides out of London!
    Thanks for the wit and insight over the year

  4. " .. a three-eyed man on a white horse .. "

    As opposed to the legalised mugging to which we became accustomed, carried out by a One-eyed man on a rocking horse ..

  5. Reckon they've used a generic joypad shape as a metonym for any and all handheld game systems because the association is so automatic.

    A bigger problem for me is that the mouse looks not particularly fussed by his empty pockets.

  6. fish, dancing above water.

  7. or some kind of Rorschach thing...

  8. don't steal my fish!

  9. "You're maybe just not keeping up with the youth of the day Julia."

    Well, I HAVE just acquired a PS3, so I'm on my way... ;)

    "Reckon they've used a generic joypad shape as a metonym for any and all handheld game systems because the association is so automatic."

    I think you're right.
