Thursday 9 December 2010

I Was Provoked, Innit?

Defending, Robert Grey said his client had acted "completely out of character," believing a glass had been thrown at his car.

He added: "It was not all one-way; they shouted a barrage of abuse at him. There was, at least, an element of provocation."
Ah. Right.

Well, I guess he can be forgiven for launching a ferocious attack on four women, breaking one’s nose and fracturing another’s jaw, then?
Jailing Heath for 40 weeks, Judge Roger Jarvis told him: "These offences are very serious indeed. It is a stark example of what is known as road rage. It was a sustained and brutal attack. An immediate custodial sentence is inevitable."
40 weeks!? That's it?


  1. No. That's not it.

    Two days with "good behaviour" (No women to beat up in prison).

  2. I hold a particular contempt for men who attack women in the manner this thug did.

    A thug notably without description I see though I could be reading too much into that...

  3. "No women to beat up in prison"

    Hopefully, his cellmates won't be of 'previous good character'..!

    "A thug notably without description I see though I could be reading too much into that..."

    I did wonder about that...
