Friday 3 December 2010

A New Definition Of The Term 'Gang-Related'...

Up to 15 people may have been involved in yesterday's stabbing in Leytonstone, police have said.
Fifteen people? Sounds like a gang, doesn't it?
A Met spokeswoman said the force had not ruled out suspicions that the stabbing was gang related, but...
'But' what..?

Hey, if it looks like a gang, walks like a gang, talks like a gang, stabs like a gang...
A knife, which was suspected to have been used in the attack and then dumped shortly afterwards, was found by police outside the Zulu pub on the High Road.
Well named pub?


  1. Are you suggesting that it was Impi related?
    That said, in a dustup between a local gang and a Zulu Impi, I know where my money would be...

    And totally OT, something for your low blood pressure AP, -

  2. I think more likely Mona than Impi, Chuckles ;-)

  3. Zulu pub is an Afrikaaner pub.

  4. "That said, in a dustup between a local gang and a Zulu Impi, I know where my money would be..."

    Mine too!

    And that school policy is the maddest thing I think I've ever seen from a school!

    "I think more likely Mona than Impi, Chuckles "

    That was the idea!

    "Zulu pub is an Afrikaaner pub."

    Really? I didn't know there were any of those outside of Central London?

  5. 'Zulu pub is an Afrikaaner pub.'

    Ah, these quaint local customs. Funny, I'd expect it then to be called 'Joumasewat?' or 'Donttunemeskeef' or something like that?

  6. Perhaps the group of fifteen young people were a bit like Josephs coat and thus difficult to classify as a Gang.

  7. Zulu's Bar WAS an afrikaaner pub. Been closed for over a year now.

    Used to have security on the door every night due to noise problems, but I remember one of them being told that there had been a couple of incidents of guns being produced there.
