Friday 10 December 2010

The Scales Have Fallen From My Eyes...

...and I now realise that these students fully deserve a full time university education in Andalusian throat warbling or meejah studies, paid for out of the taxes of dustmen and canteen staff.

Well, it's obvious, innit?


  1. For ref: the benches used in public spaces are indeed of a different build-specification than even the top garden centres. This is because they have to be strong enough to not break and cause injuries and hence com-pen-say-shun claims.

    A good public bench starts at about £1200 and often they are donated in the memory of someone associated with the space. (I checked this after a query about the cost of benches for a cemetary)

    What you are looking at in that picture is over £2k worth of firewood which otherwise would have had a minimum of a decade and possibly as much as 50 years public use (depending on weather and wear).

  2. One righteous placard read, “We are not your slaves!” An odd sentiment from people so engorged with socialist entitlement that they assume an almost aristocratic right to other people’s labour and other people’s earnings.

    A more honest placard might have read, “You will pay for things I want or I’ll smash up your stuff.” But that would sound like extortion rather than slavery.

  3. A 50 caliber should do the trick

  4. "Education for the masses" Really?

    Last I heard they had that from the ages of 5 to 17, and look how it turned out.

    (Pointless aside: as a teacher of students 17 to 19, one 18 year finally turned up at my class after missing many lessons because of the weather. His reason for not venturing out: "I almost fell over outside my house."

    Meanwhile another student wanted to leave early because he "needed to get home to watch the Simpsons"

    I am gratified that our future is in the safe hands of these young people)

  5. I heard that Lower Thames street had been closed all the way to the East India Dock, so I eagerly awaited the deployment of an armoured regiment against these scum. Sadly I was disappointed.

  6. The shemale swinging on the cenotaph is apprently one Charlie Gilmour, sone of Dave Gilmour from Pink Floyd.

  7. The students arguement seems to be "I want something that costs nine grand but I want YOU to pay for it."

    Screw 'em, frankly.

  8. If the EDL had engineered scenes like these, then the odious BBC especially, would be up in arms...Yet as it's students with S.W.P backing, everythings "A" O.K. in Beeboid land....

    Onward toward the glorious Trotsky revolution, with Comrade Martin Smith as our intellectual saviour....

    We are not worthy!

  9. Overheard two graduating students thursday. "Protest, what's the point? They'll be better off than us anyway".

  10. "What you are looking at in that picture is over £2k worth of firewood..."

    Now my blood pressure is even higher...

    "A more honest placard might have read, “You will pay for things I want or I’ll smash up your stuff.” "


    "Last I heard they had that from the ages of 5 to 17, and look how it turned out."

    Quite so, quite so.

    "The shemale swinging on the cenotaph is apprently one Charlie Gilmour, sone of Dave Gilmour from Pink Floyd."

    Yes, that added an even more surreal touch to the whole affair, didn't it?

    Oh, how I bet his Dad is regretting that song...

    "If the EDL had engineered scenes like these, then the odious BBC especially, would be up in arms..."

    They'd be on the front lines, mopping the riot cops brows and urging them to whack faster!

    "Overheard two graduating students thursday. "Protest, what's the point? They'll be better off than us anyway"."

    There's some sense still around, then!
