Monday 20 December 2010


A man had to be subdued with a police stun gun after wielding knives in an Oxford pub.
He brought the knives with him?

Paul Udall had been drinking at the Holly Bush, in Osney Island, when he went into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of blades.

Oxford Crown Court heard yesterday the 25-year-old waved the knives at barman Dutch Harris before putting them to his own throat.
That must have been a bit of a dilemma for the cops, eh?

Just a moment of madness?
Udall, who has two previous convictions for six offences, earlier admitted affray and common assault.
Lucy Tapper, defending, said her client had been drinking heavily and smoking cannabis on the day and did not have a clear recollection of events.
Astonishingly, that’s considered a mitigation, instead of an aggravation
Judge Gordon Risius said: “It appears you now genuinely wish to address your drug and alcohol problems.”
Translation: ‘You’ve been caught bang (or even Zzaapp!!) to rights and your defence is employing the time-honoured method of ensuring leniency from the bench…‘

Did it work?

Well, what do you think?
Udall, a father of two, from Burton on Trent, was given a 12-month jail term, suspended for two years, ordered to do 150 hours’ unpaid work, undertake a six-month drug-rehabilitation course and pay £100 compensation and £250 costs.
Guess who’ll really be paying that, in the totally-likely event that a convicted violent druggie won’t have a high-paying job.

Or any job…


  1. Stunning!

    WV= hoora = almost a cheer

  2. The spliff most likely prevented a worse outcome -- and perhaps the booze also was a blessing in disguise, the most dangerous psychopaths to flip are sober ones...
