Sunday 12 December 2010

There Are People Who Dislike Christmas...

...and there are people who really, really dislike Christmas:

Poor Santa!


  1. It sounds like Santa hasn't been to that house for quite some time.

  2. What's to like about Christmas ?

    An event set around myths & legends, none of which are capable of proof (whether Pagan or Christian) ..

    Just an excuse for a multitude of companies to make an enormous profit from the gullible ..

    An excuse for the cretinous to buy prodigous amounts of food, half of which will get thrown away ..

    An excuse for the hypocritical to send Cards to people with whom they have no contact for the rest of the year ..

    Just think .. only another 15 days & the whole tawdry charade will be over for another 12 months .. Yippee !!!

  3. @ CH - I couldn't agree more!!

  4. Oh .. and its also an excuse for those who wouldn't dream of setting foot inside a Church at any other time .. to suddenly develop an overwhelming desire to sing Carols (badly, whilst totally shit-faced) ..

    And for those who trot out the moth-eaten excuse .. "Its all for the children" .. fail to grasp the fact that one could get precisely the same result & reaction from kids in the middle of July, given a front room full of shiny new toys ..

  5. People who dislike Christmas must dislike children.
    -- There, get out of that!

  6. "People who dislike Christmas must dislike children" ...

    And your point being ?

  7. "What's to like about Christmas ?"

    Well, you had me at 'prodigious amounts of food'... ;)
