Thursday 20 January 2011

Gissa Job!

Jim Gamble uses CiF to remind us all that, while he’s no longer head of CEOP, he’s still here and looking for another well-paid role:
Child abuse is child abuse, regardless of the context of the crime type or the environment within which it is committed. People who groom, extort and move our children to abuse them are child abusers and we shouldn't let them hide behind any other label.
Such as..? Jim doesn’t say. Perhaps he’s had an attack of shyness?

But, as the Grim Reaper asks, is this going to be a long winded whinge, or does he have a solution in mind?
Positive early intervention is the only way forward and not just the criminal justice intervention after the crime.
We need to empower our children by education: powerful, contemporary materials delivered to children in the classroom, care home or via the media of social networks, helping them help themselves and their friends.
And who will develop this ‘powerful, contemporary material’, I wonder..?
I was always struck by reports from children after presentations by child exploitation and online protection (Ceop) teams in the classroom. Children highlighting a risk posed to them, or very often, a friend; a risk recognised because it had been put in context and the consequences exposed in a safe environment.
Ah. Right. Of course.
In my opinion it's important that we don't simply fall into the same trap as the current home secretary, Theresa May. She is attempting to push Ceop into the ill thought-out National Crime Agency, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the broader remit and multi-agency platform.
And there we have the real reason for Jim’s little whine – a chance to point a finger at the Home Sec and, like Cassandra, predict that it’ll all go horribly, horribly wrong if CEOP doesn’t stand alone, with a post open for a chief exec on a huge salary…


  1. Be fair Julia, how is someone of the stature of Jim 'scourge of the internet peado' Gamble supposed to survive on his gold plated final salary police pension?

  2. We need to empower our children by education

    Oh no - that augurs badly.

  3. I find it amazing that people like this twerp who will have a HUUUGE pension simply can't let go, can't just realize how lucky he is that he has the chance to enjoy the remainder of his life free from any financial worries BUT CAN'T. They're a real pain in the arse.

  4. Wow what a tool, clearly a case for a 100% tax on his pension and salary until he shuts up and goes away.

  5. I go with Julia's unease on this and similar would be niche-market Tzars - Louise Casey is surely a paradigm case over the years.
    Th real work here is about getting cops and other agencies to be able to spot what goes on in front of their noses and get new approaches mainstreamed. Highly paid special groups and their Tzars are not the way.

  6. "I find it amazing that people like this twerp who will have a HUUUGE pension simply can't let go, can't just realize how lucky he is that he has the chance to enjoy the remainder of his life free from any financial worries.."

    Indeed! Clearly, the drive to control is stronger than the desire to earn a living and then enjoy it.

    "...Louise Casey is surely a paradigm case over the years."

    Ah, yes, she's still dug in like a tick somewhere, isn't she?
