Wednesday 12 January 2011

The ‘Guardian’ Suddenly Decides You Don’t Need All The Facts After All…

…not if it’s a subject that pure emotion will suffice to drive you to make the right decision.
It’s editorial borrows Clegg’s manifesto question:
Doesn't it make you angry that the banks have been allowed to ride roughshod over our economy, and are still handing out bonuses by the bucket-load?
Frankly, no. If those banks that were bailed out by the taxpayer are doing this, then that’s the fault of the idiots in government who didn’t ensure that the money was given only on condition no bonuses were allowed.

And if the banks who weren’t bailed out by the taxpayer are doing this, so what? It’s no business of mine, but rather a matter for their shareholders.

But the ‘Guardian’ is convinced that this is a burning issue for the public. And who cares whether they know the full facts or no…

Wait, what?
Transparency is not onerous, and is in line with the tide of global regulation. Yet it has proved too much for the coalition. The people will lack the full facts, but will nonetheless know enough to feel fury.

I look forward to the next immigration debate, when some CiF'er is claiming that the people arguing against his or her pet 'Open Borders' plan 'don't have all the facts'.

'Never mind the facts', we'll shout, 'Feel our fury!'
If a blind eye is turned to the blind rage, the politicians will pay a price.
Indeed they will.

But not just on banker’s bonuses, eh?


  1. Here's the question I want but have yet to see a journalist ask.

    Say you're running a department within a bank. Say your department is forecast to lose £50m over the next year. What exactly is wrong with offering your staff bonuses totalling £5m if they manage to reduce losses to below £20m? The media report that as bankers being paid huge bonuses after making huge losses, but isn't it in fact a perfectly reasonable and sensible incentive?

  2. Does the efficiently tax planned Guardian publish how much it pays Rubbisher, Pol Potty, Mrs Marr et al ?

  3. "...the question I want but have yet to see a journalist ask."

    I've frankly given up on expecting journalists to be journalists any more.

    I see better questions asked on Twitter when an interview is ongoing than I've ever seen in the studio...

    "Does the efficiently tax planned Guardian publish how much it pays Rubbisher, Pol Potty, Mrs Marr et al ?"

    Try bringing it up in a CiF thread. It's a way to get yourself moderated into silence, unless you are careful how you couch it.
